
From Citizens Wiki

Author aufdemrand
Version 0.5
Citizens build 2.0 dev build #178
Other dependencies Unknown
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Description: Sentries guard entrances.


v. 0.5 beta NOTE! Do not use builds 179-183 of Citizens2 as it has a break in it that affects the left-clicking of NPCs. This should be fixed soon, but for now use build #178 if you want to use Sentries.

  • Added the ability to specify targets.
  • Added the ability to set the Health and Speed of a Sentry.
  • 'Stuck' Sentries now respawn after a while.
  • Fixed the death handling.
  • Fixed Sentries remembering their guard location on a restart.

v. 0.3 beta

  • Added ability to kill the NPCs. Swords kill faster. Built-in chance of criticals, etc.
  • Fixed targeting code, should be more efficient now.
  • Implemented respawning sequence.

Up next: Warning targeted Players.

How to Use

General Information

Sentries are useful for guarding areas from intruders. This is an early beta release which is missing some features, but is none-the-less functional.

Sentries guard a 10 square radius.

To create a sentry, use:

/npc create '[NPC Name]' --char sentry

Once a desired guard location has been found, use:

/sentry guard

To add a target, use:

/sentry target add [target]

Valid targets are player names, mob names, or player groups. For example, /sentry target add zombie would make the Sentry target Zombies.

Removing a target is just as easy.

/sentry target remove [target]

You can also clear the target list.

/sentry target clear

To set a Sentries speed or health, use:

/sentry health [1-20] and /sentry speed [.1-1.0]

Note: default speed is .2 and default health is 20.

You can give Sentries weapons to make them more lethal with the core /npc command:

/npc equip

Known caveats and upcoming features

Sentries currently attack all players. Vault integration will add group and permission support for targeting specific players in the near future. Sentries will be able to drop specific items, experience, etc. Sentries can kill players, even when dead. This will be fixed in the next build.


Suggestions are, of course, always welcome! Visit us in #citizens on EsperNet.