
From Citizens Wiki

This page contains the default configuration file and a brief description of available options.

Note: Any other config nodes appearing in the config are at this moment not used.

Default config (v2.0)

locale: file: english.loc wands: manage: 280 settings: 386 trader: inventory-navigation: sell-tab: '35:5' buy-tab: '35:3' manage-price: '35:15' manage-buy-limit: '35:12' manage-global-limit: '35:11' manage-player-limit: '35:12' return: 35 amounts-return: '35:14' bank: tab-size: 3 withdraw-fee: 0.0 deposit-fee: 0.0 max-tabs: 9 tab-prices: tab2: 100.0 tab3: 200.0 tab4: 500.0 tab5: 1000.0 tab6: 2000.0 tab7: 5000.0 tab8: 10000.0 tab9: 50000.0 player-accounts: file: player_accounts.yml guild-accounts: file: guild_accounts.yml money-bank: exchange-item: 388 item-value: 10.0 logging: basedir:

Locale configuration (same for bankers and traders)

This will be moved out of the trader section.

changes the file name and path for the locale file.

 trader.locale.file: locale.eng

Trader configuration

Configuration used by player, server and enchant traders.

Wand item

 manager-mode-toggle: 280 

Config node will be renamed to manager-wand and moved out of the trader section.

Allows to change the item that is used to toggle the manager-mode. Manager-mode allows you to edit offered goods or in the case of the player banker change the appearence of the inventory tabs.

Default: _**stick**_

Navigation settings

 sell-tab: '35:5'
 buy-tab: '35:3'

Defines the items used to switch between the sell and buy tabs, in both trader modes. Default: different _**wool colors**_.

 manage-price: '35:15'

Defines the item used to toggle on the price management.

 manage-buy-limit: '35:12'

Defines the item used to toggle the buy limit management. (player trader)

 manage-global-limit: '35:11
 manage-player-limit: '35:12

Defines the items used to toggle global and player limits. (server trader).


 return: 35

Defines the item used to go back from specific management to the stock management. Like from price management to the general trader window.

 amounts-return: '35:14'

Defines the item used to return from amount selection window.

Banker configuration

Configuration used by player and guild banks.

Tab size

 bank.tab-size: 3 

Allows to change the "inventory size" of the bank tab. Accepted values start at 1 and go up to 5.

Available tabs

 default-max-tabs: 9

Defines how many tabs a user may buy. This is a global setting, so you can change this amount for each player in the player_accounts.yml file. Commands will be added in future.


 default-withdraw-fee: 0.0
 default-deposit-fee: 0.0

You can set fees for withdrawing or depositing items in a bank tab.

Fees are counted separately for each item - putting two stacks of 10 dirt into the bank will incur twice the fee of putting just one stack of 20 dirt.

Tab prices

   tab1: 0.0
   tab2: 100.0
   tab3: 200.0
   tab4: 500.0
   tab5: 1000.0
   tab6: 2000.0
   tab7: 5000.0
   tab8: 10000.0
   tab9: 50000.0

Allows to set prices tu unlock each tab in the player banker. Setting any amount other than 0 under tab1 requires a player to have this much money before opening an account.

Bank accounts files

   file: player_accounts.yml
   path: ''
   file: guild_accounts.yml
   path: ''

Player's accounts will be saved in player_accounts.yml file by default, guilds/factions/etc. accounts in the guild_accounts.yml file. You can change the file names and path for both of these files.

Money bankers

      exchange-item: 388
      item-value: 10.0

Defines the item and it's value when using the money-bank type trader to convert between money and items.


Usage Managing | Trading | Banking
Configuration Configuration | Commands | Permissions | Locale
Types Traders | Bankers