Commands: Difference between revisions

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! style="width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6" colspan="6" | '''Help Commands'''
! style="width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6" colspan="6" | '''Help Commands'''
! style="width: 250px;" | Command !! style="width: 200px;" | Args Description !! style="width: 170px;" | Permission !! Description
! style="width: 250px;" | Command !! style="width: 200px;" | Arguments !! style="width: 170px;" | Permission !! Description
| /citizens help || ''(Page)'' - Page number to display || || Show Citizens help menu
| /citizens help || ''(Page)'' - Page number to display || || Show Citizens help menu
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| /trait help || ''(Page)'' - Page number to display || || Show trait help menu
| /trait help || ''(Page)'' - Page number to display || || Show trait help menu
| /script help || ''(Page)'' - Page number to display || || Show scripting help menu
| /template help || ''(Page)'' - Page number to display || || Show template help menu
| /template help || ''(Page)'' - Page number to display || || Show template help menu
| /waypoints help || ''(Page)'' - Page number to display || || Show waypoints help menu
| /waypoints help || ''(Page)'' - Page number to display || || Show waypoints help menu
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== NPC Commands ==
== NPC Commands ==
General commands used for all NPCs.
General commands used for all NPCs.
'''{{color|red|white|NOTE: '/npc trait' has been replaced, there is a new set of commands for adding, removing and copying traits. }}
:'''<code> /trait {traitname] </code> is now used to add traits and characters.
The following command list is copied from <code>/npc help</code>

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{| class="wikitable collapsible" style="text-align: center; width: 100%"
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! style="width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6" colspan="7" | '''NPC Commands'''
! style="width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6" colspan="7" | '''NPC Commands'''
! style="width: 200px;" | Command !! style="width: 400px;" | Args Description !! Description
! style="width: 200px;" | Command !! style="width: 400px;" | Arguments !! Description
| /npc || ''None'' || Show basic NPC information
| /npc || <code>None</code>  || None
| /npc activationrange || <code>[range]</code>  || Sets the activation range
| /npc age || <code>[age] (-l(ock))</code>  || Can only be used on entities that can become babies. Use the [[-l]] flag to lock age over time (note: relogs may be required to see this).
| /npc aggressive || <code>[true&#124;false]</code>  || Sets the aggressive status of the entity
| /npc ai || <code>(true&#124;false)</code>  || Sets whether the NPC should use vanilla AI
| /npc allay || <code>(-d(ancing))</code>  || Sets allay modifiers
| /npc anchor || <code>(--save [name]&#124;--assume [name]&#124;--remove [name]) (-a) (-c)</code>  || Manages the NPC&#39;s location anchor(s)
| /npc armadillo || <code>--state [state]</code>  || None
| /npc armorstand || <code>--visible [visible] --small [small] --marker [marker] --gravity [gravity] --arms [arms] --baseplate [baseplate] --(head&#124;body&#124;leftarm&#124;leftleg&#124;rightarm&#124;rightleg)pose [angle x,y,z]</code>  || Edit armorstand properties
| /npc attribute || <code>[attribute] [value]</code>  || Set various NPC attributes
| /npc axolotl || <code>(-d) (--variant variant)</code>  || Sets axolotl modifiers
| /npc bat || <code>--awake [awake]</code>  || Set bat modifiers
| /npc bee || <code>(-s/-n) --anger anger</code>  || Sets bee modifiers
| /npc boat || <code>--type [type]</code>  || Sets boat modifiers
| /npc bossbar || <code>--style [style] --color [color] --title [title] --visible [visible] --viewpermission [permission] --flags [flags] --track [health &#124; placeholder] --range [range]</code>  || Edit bossbar properties
| /npc breakblock || <code>--location [x,y,z] --radius [radius]</code>  || None
| /npc camel || <code>(--pose pose)</code>  || Sets camel modifiers
| /npc cat || <code>(-s/-n/-l) --type type --ccolor collar color</code>  || Sets cat modifiers
| /npc chunkload || <code>(-t(emporary))</code>  || Toggle the NPC forcing chunks to stay loaded
| /npc collidable || <code>--fluids [true&#124;false]</code>  || Toggles an NPC&#39;s collidability
| /npc command || <code>(add [command] &#124; remove [id&#124;all] &#124; permissions [permissions] &#124; sequential &#124; cycle &#124; random &#124; forgetplayer (uuid) &#124; clearerror [type] (name&#124;uuid) &#124; errormsg [type] [msg] &#124; persistsequence [true&#124;false] &#124; cost [cost] (id) &#124; expcost [cost] (id) &#124; itemcost (id)) (-s(hift)) (-l[eft]/-r[ight]) (-p[layer] -o[p]), --cooldown --gcooldown [seconds] --delay [ticks] --permissions [perms] --n [max # of uses]</code>  ||
Use the [[-l]] flag to make the command run on left click, [[-r]] on right click (default).
Set the per-player cooldown before the command can be used again using [[--cooldown]] (in [[seconds]]).
Set the server-wide cooldown in seconds using [[--gcooldown]].
[[--delay]] will wait the specified amount in [[ticks]] before executing the command.
[[--permissions]] will set the command to require specific permissions (separate multiple with commas).
[[--n]] will only let the player run the command that number of times.
Use [[-o]] to temporarily execute the command as an op and [[-p]] to run the command as the clicking player instead of the server.
Use [[-n]] to run the command as the NPC instead of the clicking player. Must be a player type NPC.
To give the player temporary permissions instead of op, use [[/npc command permissions]].
Set the cost of each click with [[/npc command cost/expcost/itemcost]].
Commands can be executed one by one instead of all at once by using [[/npc command sequential]] or [[/npc command cycle]].
| /npc configgui || <code>None</code>  || Display NPC configuration GUI
| /npc controllable || <code>(-m(ount),-o(wner required)) (--controls [controls]) (--enabled [true&#124;false])</code>  || Toggles whether the NPC can be ridden and controlled
| /npc copier || <code>None</code>  || Toggle the NPC copier
| /npc copy || <code>(--name newname)</code>  || Copies an NPC
| /npc create || <code>[name] ((-b(aby),u(nspawned),s(ilent),t(emporary),c(enter),p(acket)) --at [x,y,z,world] --type [type] --item (item) --trait [&#39;trait1, trait2...&#39;] --model [model name] --nameplate [true&#124;false&#124;hover] --temporaryticks [ticks] --registry [registry name]</code>  || Create a new NPC
| /npc debug || <code>-p(aths) -n(avigation)</code>  || Display debugging information
| /npc deselect || <code>None</code>  || Deselect currently selected NPC
| /npc despawn || <code>(id)</code>  || Despawn a NPC
| /npc display || <code>--billboard [billboard] --brightness [blockLight,skyLight] --interpolationdelay [delay] --interpolationduration [duration] --height [height] --width [width] --scale [x,y,z] --viewrange [range] --leftrotation [x,y,z,w] --rightrotation [x,y,z,w]</code>  || Set various display entity modifiers
| /npc drops || <code>None</code>  || Edit an NPC&#39;s drops
| /npc endercrystal || <code>-b(ottom)</code>  || Edit endercrystal modifiers
| /npc enderdragon || <code>--phase [phase] --destroywalls [true&#124;false]</code>  || Sets enderdragon modifiers
| /npc enderman || <code>-a(ngry)</code>  || Set enderman modifiers
| /npc entitypose || <code>[pose]</code>  || Control entity pose
| /npc equip || <code>None</code>  || Toggle the equipment editor
| /npc flyable || <code>(true&#124;false)</code>  || Toggles or sets an NPC&#39;s flyable status
| /npc follow || <code>(player name&#124;NPC id) (-p[rotect]) (--margin [margin]) (--enable [boolean])</code>  || Toggles NPC following you
| /npc forcefield || <code>--width [width] --height [height] --strength [strength] --vertical_strength [vertical strength]</code>  || Creates a forcefield which pushes players close to the NPC away
| /npc fox || <code>--type type --sleeping [true&#124;false] --sitting [true&#124;false] --crouching [true&#124;false] --interested [true&#124;false] --pouncing [true&#124;false] --faceplanted [true&#124;false]</code>  || Sets fox modifiers
| /npc frog || <code>(--variant variant)</code>  || Sets frog modifiers
| /npc gamemode || <code>[gamemode]</code>  || Changes the gamemode
| /npc glowing || <code>--color [minecraft chat color]</code>  || Toggles an NPC&#39;s glowing status
| /npc goat || <code>-l(eft) -r(ight) -n(either) -b(oth) horn</code>  || Sets goat modifiers
| /npc gravity || <code>None</code>  || Toggles gravity
| /npc hitbox || <code>--scale [scale] --width/height [value]</code>  || Sets the NPC hitbox
| /npc hologram || <code>add [text] &#124; set [line #] [text] &#124; remove [line #] &#124; bgcolor [line #] (red,green,blue(,alpha)) &#124; clear &#124; lineheight [height] &#124; viewrange [range] &#124; margintop [line #] [margin] &#124; marginbottom [line #] [margin]</code>  || Controls NPC hologram text
| /npc home || <code>--location [loc] --delay [delay] --distance [distance] -h(ere) -p(athfind) -t(eleport)</code>  || Controls home location
| /npc horse || <code>(--color color) (--type type) (--style style) (-cb)</code>  || Use the -c flag to make the NPC have a chest, or the -b flag to stop them from having a chest.
| /npc age || ''[age] (-l)'' || Set the age of a NPC
| /npc hurt || <code>[damage]</code>  || Damages the NPC
| /npc anchor || ''(--save [name]\|--assume [name]\|--remove [name]) (-a)(-c)'' || Changes/Saves/Lists NPC's location anchor(s)
| /npc id || <code>None</code>  || Sends the selected NPC&#39;s ID to the sender
| /npc armorstand || ''--visible [visible] --small [small] --gravity [gravity] --arms [arms] --baseplate [baseplate]'' || Edit armorstand properties
| /npc inventory || <code>(player name/uuid)</code>  || Show&#39;s an NPC&#39;s inventory
| /npc bee || ''(-s/-n) --anger anger'' || Sets bee modifiers
| /npc item || <code>(item) (metadata) (-h(and))</code>  || Sets the NPC&#39;s item
| /npc bossbar || ''--color [color] --title [title] --visible [visible] --flags [flags]'' || Edit bossbar properties
| /npc itemframe || <code>--visible [true&#124;false] --fixed [true&#124;false] --rotation [rotation] --item [item]</code>  || Sets itemframe modifiers
| /npc cat || ''(-s/-n/-l) --type type --ccolor collar color'' || Sets cat modifiers
| /npc jump || <code>None</code>  || Makes the NPC jump
| /npc collidable || None || Toggles an NPC's collidability
| /npc knockback || <code>(--explicit true&#124;false)</code>  || Toggle NPC knockback
| /npc command || ''(add [command] | remove [id] | permissions [permissions] | sequential) (-l[eft]/-r[ight]) (-p[layer] -o[p]), --cooldown [seconds] --delay [ticks] --permissions [perms] --n [max # of uses]'' || Controls commands which will be run when clicking on an NPC
| /npc leashable || <code>None</code>  || Toggles leashability
| /npc controllable || ''(-m(ount),-y,-n,-o)'' || Toggles whether the NPC can be ridden and controlled
| /npc list || <code>(page) ((-a) --owner (owner) --type (type) --char (char) --registry (name))</code>  || List NPCs
| /npc copier || None || Toggle the NPC copier
| /npc llama || <code>(--color color) (--strength strength)</code>  || Sets llama modifiers
| /npc copy || ''(--name newname)'' || Copies an NPC
| /npc lookclose || <code>--range [range] -r[ealistic looking] --randomlook [true&#124;false] --perplayer [true&#124;false] --randomswitchtargets [true&#124;false] --randompitchrange [min,max] --randomyawrange [min,max] --disablewhennavigating [true&#124;false] --targetnpcs [true&#124;false]</code>  || Toggle whether a NPC will look when a player is near
| /npc create || ''[name] ((-b,u) --at [x:y:z:world] --type [type] --trait ['trait1, trait2...'] --b [behaviours])'' || Create a new NPC
| /npc metadata || <code>set&#124;get&#124;remove [key] (value) (-t(emporary))</code>  || Manages NPC metadata
| /npc despawn || ''(id)'' || Despawn a NPC
| /npc minecart || <code>(--item item_name(:data)) (--offset offset)</code>  || Sets minecart item
| /npc enderman || ''-a[ngry]'' || Set enderman modifiers
| /npc mirror || <code>--name [true&#124;false]</code>  || Controls mirroring of NPC skins and more
| /npc equip || None || Toggle the equipment editor
| /npc model || <code>[name]</code>  || None
| /npc flyable || ''(true|false)'' || Toggles or sets an NPC's flyable status
| /npc modelanimate || <code>[start&#124;stop&#124;clear] (name) (speed)</code>  || None
| /npc follow || ''(player name) (-p[rotect])'' || Toggles NPC following you
| /npc mount || <code>(--onnpc &lt;npc id&#124;uuid&gt;) (-c(ancel))</code>  || Mounts a controllable NPC
| /npc fox || ''--type type --sleeping [true|false] --sitting [true|false] --crouching [true|false]'' || Sets fox modifiers
| /npc moveto || <code>x:y:z:world &#124; x y z world</code>  || Teleports a NPC to a given location
| /npc gamemode || ''[gamemode]'' || Changes the gamemode
| /npc mushroomcow || <code>(--variant [variant])</code>  || Sets mushroom cow modifiers
| /npc glowing || ''--color [minecraft chat color]'' || Toggles an NPC's glowing status
| /npc name || <code>(-h(over))</code>  || Toggle nameplate visibility, or only show names on hover
| /npc gravity || None || Toggles gravity
| /npc ocelot || <code>(--type type) (-s(itting), -n(ot sitting))</code>  || Set the ocelot type of an NPC and whether it is sitting
| /npc hologram || ''add [text] | set [line #] [text] | remove [line #] | clear | lineheight [height]'' || Controls NPC hologram text
| /npc owner || <code>[uuid&#124;SERVER]</code>  || Set the owner of an NPC
| /npc horse || ''(--color color) (--type type) (--style style) (-cb)'' || Sets horse and horse-like entity modifiers
| /npc packet || <code>--enabled [true&#124;false]</code>  || Controls packet NPC settings
| /npc id || None || Sends the selected NPC's ID to the sender
| /npc painting || <code>(--art art)</code>  || Set painting modifiers
| /npc inventory || None || Show's an NPC's inventory
| /npc panda || <code>--gene (main gene) --hiddengene (hidden gene) -e(ating) -s(itting) -n (sneezing) -r(olling)</code>  || Sets panda modifiers
| /npc item || ''[item] (data)'' || Sets the NPC's item
| /npc panimate || <code>[animation]</code>  || Plays a player animation
| /npc leashable || None || Toggles leashability
| /npc parrot || <code>(--variant variant)</code>  || Sets parrot modifiers
| /npc list || ''(page) ((-a) --owner (owner) --type (type) --char (char) --registry (name))'' || List NPCs
| /npc passive || <code>(--set [true&#124;false])</code>  || Sets whether an NPC damages other entities or not
| /npc llama || ''(--color color) (--strength strength)'' || Sets llama modifiers
| /npc path || <code>None</code>  || Toggle the waypoint editor
| /npc lookclose || ''--(random|r)look [true|false] --(random|r)pitchrange [min,max] --(random|r)yawrange [min,max]'' || Toggle whether a NPC will look when a player is near
| /npc pathopt || <code>--avoid-water&#124;aw [true&#124;false] --open-doors [true&#124;false] --path-range [range] --stationary-ticks [ticks] --attack-range [range] --distance-margin [margin] --path-distance-margin [margin] --use-new-finder [true&#124;false] --falling-distance [distance]</code>  || Sets an NPC&#39;s pathfinding options
| /npc mcow || ''(--variant [variant])'' || Sets mushroom cow modifiers.
| /npc pathto || <code>me &#124; here &#124; cursor &#124; [x] [y] [z] (--margin [distance margin]) (-s[traight line])</code>  || Starts pathfinding to a certain location
| /npc metadata || ''set|get|remove [key] (value) (-t(emporary))'' || Manages NPC metadata
| /npc pausepathfinding || <code>--onrightclick [true&#124;false] --when-player-within [range in blocks] --pauseticks [ticks]</code>  || Sets pathfinding pause
| /npc minecart || ''(--item item_name(:data)) (--offset offset)'' || Sets minecart item
| /npc phantom || <code>(--size size)</code>  || Sets phantom modifiers
| /npc mount || ''(--onnpc <npc id>) (-c (ancel))'' || Mounts a controllable NPC
| /npc pickupitems || <code>(--set [true&#124;false])</code> || Allow NPC to pick up items
| /npc moveto || ''x:y:z:world | x y z world'' || Teleports a NPC to a given location
| /npc piglin || <code>(--dancing [true&#124;false])</code>  || Sets piglin modifiers
| /npc name || None || Toggle nameplate visibility
| /npc playerfilter || <code>-a(llowlist) -e(mpty) -d(enylist) --add [uuid] --remove [uuid] --addgroup [group] --removegroup [group] -c(lear) --applywithin [blocks range]</code>  || Manages the NPC&#39;s player filter
| /npc ocelot || ''(--type type) (-s(itting), -n(ot sitting))'' || Set the ocelot type of an NPC and whether it is sitting
| /npc playerlist || <code>(-a(dd),r(emove))</code>  || Sets whether the NPC is put in the playerlist
| /npc owner || ''[name]'' || Set the owner of an NPC
| /npc playsound || <code>[sound] (volume) (pitch) (--at x:y:z:world)</code>  || Plays a sound at the NPC&#39;s location
| /npc panda || ''--gene (main gene) --hgene (hidden gene) -s(itting)'' || Sets panda modifiers
| /npc polarbear || <code>(-r)</code>  || Sets polarbear modifiers
| /npc parrot || ''(--variant variant)'' || Sets parrot modifiers
| /npc pose || <code>(--save [name] (-d) &#124; --mirror [name] (-d) &#124; --assume [name] &#124; --remove [name] &#124; --default [name]) (--yaw yaw) (--pitch pitch) (-a)</code>  || Manage NPC poses
| /npc passive || ''(--set [true|false])'' || Sets whether an NPC damages other entities or not
| /npc powered || <code>(--set true&#124;false)</code>  || Toggle a creeper NPC as powered
| /npc path || None || Toggle the waypoint editor
| /npc pufferfish || <code>(--state state)</code>  || Sets pufferfish modifiers
| /npc pathopt || ''--avoid-water|aw [true|false] --stationary-ticks [ticks] --attack-range [range] --distance-margin [margin] --path-distance-margin [margin] --use-new-finder [true|false]'' || Sets an NPC's pathfinding options
| /npc rabbittype || <code>[type]</code>  || Set the NPC&#39;s rabbit type
| /npc pathrange || ''[range]'' || Sets an NPC's pathfinding range
| /npc remove || <code>(all&#124;id&#124;name&#124; --owner [owner] &#124; --eid [entity uuid] &#124; --world [world])</code>  || Remove a NPC
| /npc phantom || ''(--size size)'' || Sets phantom modifiers
| /npc rename || <code>[name]</code>  || Rename a NPC
| /npc playerlist || ''(-a,r)'' || Sets whether the NPC is put in the playerlist
| /npc respawn || <code>[delay]</code>  || Sets an NPC&#39;s respawn delay
| /npc pose || ''(--save [name] (-d)|--assume [name]|--remove [name]|--default [name]) (-a)'' || Changes/Saves/Lists NPC's head pose(s)
| /npc rotate || <code>(--towards [x,y,z]) (--body [yaw]) (--head [yaw]) (--pitch [pitch]) (-s(mooth))</code>  || Rotate NPC
| /npc power || None || Toggle a creeper NPC as powered
| /npc select || <code>[id&#124;name] (--range range) (--registry [name])</code>  || Select a NPC with the given ID or name
| /npc profession || ''[profession]'' || Set a NPC's profession
| /npc setequipment || <code>[slot] [item]</code>  || Sets equipment via commands
| /npc pufferfish || ''(--state state)'' || Sets pufferfish modifiers
| /npc sheep || <code>(--color [color]) (--sheared [sheared])</code>  || Sets sheep modifiers
| /npc rabbittype || ''[type]'' || Set the Type of a Rabbit NPC
| /npc shop || <code>(edit&#124;show&#124;delete&#124;copyfrom) (name) (new_name)</code>  || NPC shop edit/show
| /npc remove || ''(all|id|name| --owner [owner] | --eid [entity uuid])'' || Remove a NPC
| /npc shulker || <code>(--peek [peek] --color [color])</code>  || Sets shulker modifiers
| /npc rename || ''[name]'' || Rename a NPC
| /npc sitting || <code>(--explicit [true&#124;false]) (--at [at])</code>  || Sets the NPC sitting
| /npc respawn || ''[delay in ticks]'' || Sets an NPC's respawn delay in ticks
| /npc size || <code>[size]</code>  || Sets the NPC&#39;s size
| /npc scoreboard || ''--addtag [tags] --removetag [tags]'' || Controls an NPC's scoreboard
| /npc skin || <code>(-e(xport) -c(lear) -l(atest) -s(kull) -b(edrock)) [name] (or --url [url] --file [file] (-s(lim)) or -t [uuid/name] [data] [signature])</code>  || Sets an NPC&#39;s skin name. Use -l to set the skin to always update to the latest
| /npc script || ''--add [files] --remove [files]'' || Controls an NPC's scripts
| /npc skinlayers || <code>(--cape [true&#124;false]) (--hat [true&#124;false]) (--jacket [true&#124;false]) (--sleeves [true&#124;false]) (--pants [true&#124;false])</code>  || Sets an NPC&#39;s skin layers visibility
| /npc select || ''[id|name] (--r range)'' || Select a NPC with the given ID or name
| /npc sniffer || <code>(--state [state])</code>  || Sets sniffer modifiers
| /npc sheep || ''(--color [color]) (--sheared [sheared])'' || Sets sheep modifiers
| /npc snowman || <code>(-d[erp]) (-f[orm snow])</code>  || Sets snowman modifiers
| /npc shulker || ''(--peek [peek] --color [color])'' || Sets shulker modifiers.
| /npc sound || <code>(--death [death sound&#124;d]) (--ambient [ambient sound&#124;d]) (--hurt [hurt sound&#124;d]) (-n(one)/-s(ilent)) (-d(efault))</code>  || Sets an NPC&#39;s played sounds
| /npc size || ''[size]'' || Sets the NPC's size
| /npc spawn || <code>(id&#124;name) -l(oad chunks)</code>  || Spawn an existing NPC
| /npc skin || ''(-c -l(atest)) [name] (or --url [url] or -t [uuid/name] [data] [signature])'' || Sets an NPC's skin name. Use -l to set the skin to always update to the latest
| /npc speak || <code>[message] --bubble [duration] --target [npcid&#124;player name] --range (range to look for entities to speak to in blocks)</code>  || Says a message from the NPC
| /npc skinlayers || ''(--cape [true|false]) (--hat [true|false]) (--jacket [true|false]) (--sleeves [true|false]) (--pants [true|false])'' || Sets an NPC's skin layers visibility.
| /npc speed || <code>[speed]</code>  || Sets the movement speed of an NPC as a percentage
| /npc snowman || ''(-d[erp])'' || Sets snowman modifiers.
| /npc spellcaster || <code>(--spell spell)</code>  || Sets spellcaster modifiers
| /npc sound || ''(--death [death sound|d]) (--ambient [ambient sound|d]) (--hurt [hurt sound|d]) (-n(one)/-s(ilent)) (-d(efault))'' || Sets an NPC's played sounds
| /npc swim || <code>(--set [true&#124;false])</code>  || Sets an NPC to swim or not
| /npc spawn || ''(id|name) -l(oad chunks)'' || Spawn an existing NPC
| /npc target || <code>[name&#124;UUID] (-a[ggressive]) (-c[ancel])</code>  || Target a given entity
| /npc speak || ''message to speak --target npcid|player_name --type vocal_type'' || Uses the NPCs SpeechController to talk
| /npc targetable || <code>(-t(emporary))</code>  || Toggles an NPC&#39;s targetability
| /npc speed || ''[speed]'' || Sets the movement speed of an NPC as a percentage
| /npc text || <code>None</code>  || Toggle the text editor
| /npc swim || ''(--set [true|false])'' || Sets an NPC to swim or not
| /npc tp || <code>(-e(xact))</code>  || Teleport in front of an NPC
| /npc targetable || None || Toggles an NPC's targetability
| /npc tphere || <code>(cursor) -c(enter) -f(ront)</code>  || Teleport a NPC to your location
| /npc text || None || Toggle the text editor
| /npc tpto || <code>[player name&#124;npc id] [player name&#124;npc id]</code>  || Teleport an NPC or player to another NPC or player
| /npc tfish || ''(--body color) (--pattern pattern) (--patterncolor color)'' || Sets tropical fish modifiers
| /npc trackingrange || <code>[range]</code>  || Sets the tracking range
| /npc tp || None || Teleport to a NPC
| /npc tropicalfish || <code>(--body color) (--pattern pattern) (--patterncolor color)</code>  || Sets tropical fish modifiers
| /npc tphere || None || Teleport a NPC to your location
| /npc type || <code>[type]</code>  || Sets an NPC&#39;s entity type
| /npc tpto || ''[player name|npc id] [player name|npc id]'' || Teleport an NPC or player to another NPC or player
| /npc undo || <code>(all)</code>  || Undoes the last action (currently only create/remove supported)
| /npc type || ''[type]'' || Sets an NPC's entity type
| /npc useitem || <code>(-o(ffhand))</code>  || Sets an NPC to  be using their held items
| /npc villager || ''(--level level) (--type type) (--profession profession)'' || Sets villager modifiers
| /npc villager || <code>(--level level) (--type type) (--profession profession) -s(hake head)</code>  || Sets villager modifiers
| /npc vulnerable || ''(-t)'' || Toggles an NPC's vulnerability
| /npc vulnerable || <code>(-t(emporary))</code>  || Toggles an NPC&#39;s vulnerability
| /npc wither || ''(--charged [charged])'' || Sets wither modifiers
| /npc wander || <code>None</code>  || Sets the NPC to wander around
| /npc wolf || ''(-s(itting) a(ngry) t(amed) i(nfo)) --collar [hex rgb color|name]'' || Sets wolf modifiers
| /npc warden || <code>dig&#124;emerge&#124;roar&#124;anger [entity uuid/player name] [anger]</code>  || Sets warden modifiers
|/trait || ''[trait1] [trait2] ... [traitN'' - A list of [[Characters|Traits]] to apply || Adds the [[Characters|trait type]] to the NPC. NPCs can have multiple traits. Example: <code> /trait sentinel</code>
| /npc wither || <code>(--invulnerable [true&#124;false]) (--invulnerable-ticks [ticks]) (--arrow-shield [true&#124;false])</code>  || Sets wither modifiers
| /npc wolf || <code>(-s(itting) a(ngry) t(amed) i(nterested)) --collar [hex rgb color&#124;name] --variant [variant]</code>  || Sets wolf modifiers
|/trait || <code>[trait1] [trait2] ... [traitN]</code> - A list of [[Characters|Traits]] to apply || Adds the [[Characters|trait type]] to the NPC. NPCs can have multiple traits. Example: <code> /trait sentinel</code>
Line 254: Line 357:
! style="width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6" colspan="7" | '''Denizen /NPC Commands'''
! style="width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6" colspan="7" | '''Denizen /NPC Commands'''
! style="width: 200px;" | Command !! style="width: 400px;" | Args Description !! Description
! style="width: 200px;" | Command !! style="width: 400px;" | Arguments !! Description
| /npc mirror || None || Makes the NPC mirror the skin of the player looking at it.
| /npc mirrorskin || None || Makes the NPC mirror the skin of the player looking at it.
| /npc mirrorname || None || Makes the NPC mirror the name of the player looking at it.
| /npc mirrorequip || None || Makes the NPC mirror the equipment of the player looking at it.
| /npc stand || None || Makes the NPC stand.
| /npc stand || None || Makes the NPC stand.
Line 263: Line 370:
| /npc pushable || ''-t (-r) (--delay #)'' || Makes an NPC pushable.
| /npc pushable || ''-t (-r) (--delay #)'' || Makes an NPC pushable.
| /npc constant || ''--set|remove name --value constant value'' || Views/adds/removes NPC string constants.
| /npc constant || ''--set/remove name --value constant value'' || Views/adds/removes NPC string constants.
| /npc assignment || ''--set assignment_name (-r)'' || Controls the assignment for an NPC.
| /npc assignment || ''--set assignment_name (-r)'' || Controls the assignment for an NPC.
| /npc trigger || ''[trigger name] [(--cooldown [seconds])|(--radius [radius])|(-t)]'' || Controls the various triggers for an NPC.
| /npc trigger || ''[trigger name] [(--cooldown [seconds])/(--radius [radius])/(-t)]'' || Controls the various triggers for an NPC.
| /npc nickname || ''[--set nickname]'' || Gives the NPC a nickname, used with a Denizen-compatible Speech Engine.
| /npc nickname || ''[--set nickname]'' || Gives the NPC a nickname, used with a Denizen-compatible Speech Engine.
Line 290: Line 397:

== Waypoint commands ==
== Waypoint commands ==
Permissions are of the format "citizens.waypoints.xx", like "citizens.waypoints.disableteleport" for the "disableteleport" command.
{| class="wikitable collapsible" style="text-align: center; width: 100%"
{| class="wikitable collapsible" style="text-align: center; width: 100%"
! style="width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6" colspan="7" | '''Waypoint Commands'''
! style="width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6" colspan="7" | '''Waypoint Commands'''
! style="width: 200px;" | Command !! style="width: 400px;" | Args Description !! style="width: 50px;" | Permission !! Description
! style="width: 200px;" | Command !! style="width: 400px;" | Arguments !! Description
| /waypoints disableteleport || ''None'' || citizens.waypoints.disableteleport || Stops NPCs from automatically teleporting the end of their path if they get stuck (NOTE: might be removed at some point).
| /waypoints add || <code>[x] [y] [z] (world) (--index idx)</code>  || Adds a waypoint at a point
| /waypoints provider || ''[provider name] (-a)'' - provider name is the provider to use (currently linear, guided and wander), use -a to get a list of all providers || citizens.waypoints.provider || Sets the waypoint provider to use when using the waypoint editor.
| /waypoints disableteleport || <code>disableteleport</code>  || Disables teleportation when stuck
| /waypoints hpa || <code>hpa</code>  || None
| /waypoints provider || <code>[provider name]</code>  || Sets the current waypoint provider
| /waypoints remove || <code>(x y z world) (--index idx)</code> || Adds a waypoint at a point
Line 307: Line 421:
! style="width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6" colspan="7" | '''Template Commands'''
! style="width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6" colspan="7" | '''Template Commands'''
! style="width: 200px;" | Command !! style="width: 400px;" | Args Description !! style="width: 50px;" | Permission !! Description
! style="width: 200px;" | Command !! style="width: 400px;" | Arguments !! style="width: 50px;" | Permission !! Description
| /template apply || <code>(template namespace:)[template name]</code>  || citizens.templates.apply || Applies a template to the selected NPC
| /template apply || ''[template name] (id1 id2...)'' - takes the name of the template and an optional list of IDs to apply it to || citizens.templates.apply || Applies the given templates to the NPC.
| /template generate || <code>(template namespace:)[name]</code>  || citizens.templates.generate || Generate a template from the selected NPC
| /template create || ''[template name] (-o)'' - takes the name of the generated template, -o sets it to override || citizens.templates.create || Generates a template from the selected NPC and saves it to the templates.yml file.
| /template list || <code>list</code>  || citizens.templates.list || Lists available templates

Latest revision as of 12:25, 5 September 2024

Read below for detailed command documentation. For more info on per-type commands and permissions, see its corresponding page.

[] - Mandatory
() - Optional

Command - command's syntax
Args Description - description of the command's arguments
Require Selected - whether the command requires an NPC to be selected
Require Ownership - whether the commands requires you to be the owner of the NPC
Require Mob Types - whether the command requires an NPC to be a certain mob type(s)
Permission - command's permission node
Description - short description of the command

Commands not listed here

There are quite a few commands that are not listed here, mainly for reasons of maintenance order (the wiki isn't updated all that often, but the actual commands list is updated regularly.)
To see the list of commands on your current version of Citizens, simply type /npc help in-game. You can use /npc help 2 to view page 2, and so on (switch 2 to any page number).

To see information on a specific command, you can use /npc help create in-game. Change the "create" to any other command name (the example will show help for the /npc create command).

Some commands have documentation elsewhere. Such as:

  • npc skin has documentation here: Skins

There are also many commands that are added by other traits. see Characters

Adding Click Commands

If you're looking for a way to add automatically ran commands when you click an NPC, that's explained at NPC_Commands.

Admin Commands

Commands used for administration of Citizens.

Admin Commands
Command Permission Description
/citizens citizens.admin Show basic plugin information
/citizens reload citizens.admin Reload Citizens
/citizens save citizens.admin Save NPCs and configuration

Help Commands

Commands used in-game to show the help screen.

Help Commands
Command Arguments Permission Description
/citizens help (Page) - Page number to display Show Citizens help menu
/npc help (Page) - Page number to display Show NPC help menu
/trait help (Page) - Page number to display Show trait help menu
/template help (Page) - Page number to display Show template help menu
/waypoints help (Page) - Page number to display Show waypoints help menu

NPC Commands

General commands used for all NPCs.

NPC Commands
Command Arguments Description
/npc None None
/npc activationrange [range] Sets the activation range
/npc age [age] (-l(ock)) Can only be used on entities that can become babies. Use the -l flag to lock age over time (note: relogs may be required to see this).
/npc aggressive [true|false] Sets the aggressive status of the entity
/npc ai (true|false) Sets whether the NPC should use vanilla AI
/npc allay (-d(ancing)) Sets allay modifiers
/npc anchor (--save [name]|--assume [name]|--remove [name]) (-a) (-c) Manages the NPC's location anchor(s)
/npc armadillo --state [state] None
/npc armorstand --visible [visible] --small [small] --marker [marker] --gravity [gravity] --arms [arms] --baseplate [baseplate] --(head|body|leftarm|leftleg|rightarm|rightleg)pose [angle x,y,z] Edit armorstand properties
/npc attribute [attribute] [value] Set various NPC attributes
/npc axolotl (-d) (--variant variant) Sets axolotl modifiers
/npc bat --awake [awake] Set bat modifiers
/npc bee (-s/-n) --anger anger Sets bee modifiers
/npc boat --type [type] Sets boat modifiers
/npc bossbar --style [style] --color [color] --title [title] --visible [visible] --viewpermission [permission] --flags [flags] --track [health | placeholder] --range [range] Edit bossbar properties
/npc breakblock --location [x,y,z] --radius [radius] None
/npc camel (--pose pose) Sets camel modifiers
/npc cat (-s/-n/-l) --type type --ccolor collar color Sets cat modifiers
/npc chunkload (-t(emporary)) Toggle the NPC forcing chunks to stay loaded
/npc collidable --fluids [true|false] Toggles an NPC's collidability
/npc command (add [command] | remove [id|all] | permissions [permissions] | sequential | cycle | random | forgetplayer (uuid) | clearerror [type] (name|uuid) | errormsg [type] [msg] | persistsequence [true|false] | cost [cost] (id) | expcost [cost] (id) | itemcost (id)) (-s(hift)) (-l[eft]/-r[ight]) (-p[layer] -o[p]), --cooldown --gcooldown [seconds] --delay [ticks] --permissions [perms] --n [max # of uses]

Use the -l flag to make the command run on left click, -r on right click (default). Set the per-player cooldown before the command can be used again using --cooldown (in seconds). Set the server-wide cooldown in seconds using --gcooldown. --delay will wait the specified amount in ticks before executing the command. --permissions will set the command to require specific permissions (separate multiple with commas). --n will only let the player run the command that number of times. Use -o to temporarily execute the command as an op and -p to run the command as the clicking player instead of the server. Use -n to run the command as the NPC instead of the clicking player. Must be a player type NPC. To give the player temporary permissions instead of op, use /npc command permissions. Set the cost of each click with /npc command cost/expcost/itemcost. Commands can be executed one by one instead of all at once by using /npc command sequential or /npc command cycle.

/npc configgui None Display NPC configuration GUI
/npc controllable (-m(ount),-o(wner required)) (--controls [controls]) (--enabled [true|false]) Toggles whether the NPC can be ridden and controlled
/npc copier None Toggle the NPC copier
/npc copy (--name newname) Copies an NPC
/npc create [name] ((-b(aby),u(nspawned),s(ilent),t(emporary),c(enter),p(acket)) --at [x,y,z,world] --type [type] --item (item) --trait ['trait1, trait2...'] --model [model name] --nameplate [true|false|hover] --temporaryticks [ticks] --registry [registry name] Create a new NPC
/npc debug -p(aths) -n(avigation) Display debugging information
/npc deselect None Deselect currently selected NPC
/npc despawn (id) Despawn a NPC
/npc display --billboard [billboard] --brightness [blockLight,skyLight] --interpolationdelay [delay] --interpolationduration [duration] --height [height] --width [width] --scale [x,y,z] --viewrange [range] --leftrotation [x,y,z,w] --rightrotation [x,y,z,w] Set various display entity modifiers
/npc drops None Edit an NPC's drops
/npc endercrystal -b(ottom) Edit endercrystal modifiers
/npc enderdragon --phase [phase] --destroywalls [true|false] Sets enderdragon modifiers
/npc enderman -a(ngry) Set enderman modifiers
/npc entitypose [pose] Control entity pose
/npc equip None Toggle the equipment editor
/npc flyable (true|false) Toggles or sets an NPC's flyable status
/npc follow (player name|NPC id) (-p[rotect]) (--margin [margin]) (--enable [boolean]) Toggles NPC following you
/npc forcefield --width [width] --height [height] --strength [strength] --vertical_strength [vertical strength] Creates a forcefield which pushes players close to the NPC away
/npc fox --type type --sleeping [true|false] --sitting [true|false] --crouching [true|false] --interested [true|false] --pouncing [true|false] --faceplanted [true|false] Sets fox modifiers
/npc frog (--variant variant) Sets frog modifiers
/npc gamemode [gamemode] Changes the gamemode
/npc glowing --color [minecraft chat color] Toggles an NPC's glowing status
/npc goat -l(eft) -r(ight) -n(either) -b(oth) horn Sets goat modifiers
/npc gravity None Toggles gravity
/npc hitbox --scale [scale] --width/height [value] Sets the NPC hitbox
/npc hologram add [text] | set [line #] [text] | remove [line #] | bgcolor [line #] (red,green,blue(,alpha)) | clear | lineheight [height] | viewrange [range] | margintop [line #] [margin] | marginbottom [line #] [margin] Controls NPC hologram text
/npc home --location [loc] --delay [delay] --distance [distance] -h(ere) -p(athfind) -t(eleport) Controls home location
/npc horse (--color color) (--type type) (--style style) (-cb) Use the -c flag to make the NPC have a chest, or the -b flag to stop them from having a chest.
/npc hurt [damage] Damages the NPC
/npc id None Sends the selected NPC's ID to the sender
/npc inventory (player name/uuid) Show's an NPC's inventory
/npc item (item) (metadata) (-h(and)) Sets the NPC's item
/npc itemframe --visible [true|false] --fixed [true|false] --rotation [rotation] --item [item] Sets itemframe modifiers
/npc jump None Makes the NPC jump
/npc knockback (--explicit true|false) Toggle NPC knockback
/npc leashable None Toggles leashability
/npc list (page) ((-a) --owner (owner) --type (type) --char (char) --registry (name)) List NPCs
/npc llama (--color color) (--strength strength) Sets llama modifiers
/npc lookclose --range [range] -r[ealistic looking] --randomlook [true|false] --perplayer [true|false] --randomswitchtargets [true|false] --randompitchrange [min,max] --randomyawrange [min,max] --disablewhennavigating [true|false] --targetnpcs [true|false] Toggle whether a NPC will look when a player is near
/npc metadata set|get|remove [key] (value) (-t(emporary)) Manages NPC metadata
/npc minecart (--item item_name(:data)) (--offset offset) Sets minecart item
/npc mirror --name [true|false] Controls mirroring of NPC skins and more
/npc model [name] None
/npc modelanimate [start|stop|clear] (name) (speed) None
/npc mount (--onnpc <npc id|uuid>) (-c(ancel)) Mounts a controllable NPC
/npc moveto x:y:z:world | x y z world Teleports a NPC to a given location
/npc mushroomcow (--variant [variant]) Sets mushroom cow modifiers
/npc name (-h(over)) Toggle nameplate visibility, or only show names on hover
/npc ocelot (--type type) (-s(itting), -n(ot sitting)) Set the ocelot type of an NPC and whether it is sitting
/npc owner [uuid|SERVER] Set the owner of an NPC
/npc packet --enabled [true|false] Controls packet NPC settings
/npc painting (--art art) Set painting modifiers
/npc panda --gene (main gene) --hiddengene (hidden gene) -e(ating) -s(itting) -n (sneezing) -r(olling) Sets panda modifiers
/npc panimate [animation] Plays a player animation
/npc parrot (--variant variant) Sets parrot modifiers
/npc passive (--set [true|false]) Sets whether an NPC damages other entities or not
/npc path None Toggle the waypoint editor
/npc pathopt --avoid-water|aw [true|false] --open-doors [true|false] --path-range [range] --stationary-ticks [ticks] --attack-range [range] --distance-margin [margin] --path-distance-margin [margin] --use-new-finder [true|false] --falling-distance [distance] Sets an NPC's pathfinding options
/npc pathto me | here | cursor | [x] [y] [z] (--margin [distance margin]) (-s[traight line]) Starts pathfinding to a certain location
/npc pausepathfinding --onrightclick [true|false] --when-player-within [range in blocks] --pauseticks [ticks] Sets pathfinding pause
/npc phantom (--size size) Sets phantom modifiers
/npc pickupitems (--set [true|false]) Allow NPC to pick up items
/npc piglin (--dancing [true|false]) Sets piglin modifiers
/npc playerfilter -a(llowlist) -e(mpty) -d(enylist) --add [uuid] --remove [uuid] --addgroup [group] --removegroup [group] -c(lear) --applywithin [blocks range] Manages the NPC's player filter
/npc playerlist (-a(dd),r(emove)) Sets whether the NPC is put in the playerlist
/npc playsound [sound] (volume) (pitch) (--at x:y:z:world) Plays a sound at the NPC's location
/npc polarbear (-r) Sets polarbear modifiers
/npc pose (--save [name] (-d) | --mirror [name] (-d) | --assume [name] | --remove [name] | --default [name]) (--yaw yaw) (--pitch pitch) (-a) Manage NPC poses
/npc powered (--set true|false) Toggle a creeper NPC as powered
/npc pufferfish (--state state) Sets pufferfish modifiers
/npc rabbittype [type] Set the NPC's rabbit type
/npc remove (all|id|name| --owner [owner] | --eid [entity uuid] | --world [world]) Remove a NPC
/npc rename [name] Rename a NPC
/npc respawn [delay] Sets an NPC's respawn delay
/npc rotate (--towards [x,y,z]) (--body [yaw]) (--head [yaw]) (--pitch [pitch]) (-s(mooth)) Rotate NPC
/npc select [id|name] (--range range) (--registry [name]) Select a NPC with the given ID or name
/npc setequipment [slot] [item] Sets equipment via commands
/npc sheep (--color [color]) (--sheared [sheared]) Sets sheep modifiers
/npc shop (edit|show|delete|copyfrom) (name) (new_name) NPC shop edit/show
/npc shulker (--peek [peek] --color [color]) Sets shulker modifiers
/npc sitting (--explicit [true|false]) (--at [at]) Sets the NPC sitting
/npc size [size] Sets the NPC's size
/npc skin (-e(xport) -c(lear) -l(atest) -s(kull) -b(edrock)) [name] (or --url [url] --file [file] (-s(lim)) or -t [uuid/name] [data] [signature]) Sets an NPC's skin name. Use -l to set the skin to always update to the latest
/npc skinlayers (--cape [true|false]) (--hat [true|false]) (--jacket [true|false]) (--sleeves [true|false]) (--pants [true|false]) Sets an NPC's skin layers visibility
/npc sniffer (--state [state]) Sets sniffer modifiers
/npc snowman (-d[erp]) (-f[orm snow]) Sets snowman modifiers
/npc sound (--death [death sound|d]) (--ambient [ambient sound|d]) (--hurt [hurt sound|d]) (-n(one)/-s(ilent)) (-d(efault)) Sets an NPC's played sounds
/npc spawn (id|name) -l(oad chunks) Spawn an existing NPC
/npc speak [message] --bubble [duration] --target [npcid|player name] --range (range to look for entities to speak to in blocks) Says a message from the NPC
/npc speed [speed] Sets the movement speed of an NPC as a percentage
/npc spellcaster (--spell spell) Sets spellcaster modifiers
/npc swim (--set [true|false]) Sets an NPC to swim or not
/npc target [name|UUID] (-a[ggressive]) (-c[ancel]) Target a given entity
/npc targetable (-t(emporary)) Toggles an NPC's targetability
/npc text None Toggle the text editor
/npc tp (-e(xact)) Teleport in front of an NPC
/npc tphere (cursor) -c(enter) -f(ront) Teleport a NPC to your location
/npc tpto [player name|npc id] [player name|npc id] Teleport an NPC or player to another NPC or player
/npc trackingrange [range] Sets the tracking range
/npc tropicalfish (--body color) (--pattern pattern) (--patterncolor color) Sets tropical fish modifiers
/npc type [type] Sets an NPC's entity type
/npc undo (all) Undoes the last action (currently only create/remove supported)
/npc useitem (-o(ffhand)) Sets an NPC to be using their held items
/npc villager (--level level) (--type type) (--profession profession) -s(hake head) Sets villager modifiers
/npc vulnerable (-t(emporary)) Toggles an NPC's vulnerability
/npc wander None Sets the NPC to wander around
/npc warden dig|emerge|roar|anger [entity uuid/player name] [anger] Sets warden modifiers
/npc wither (--invulnerable [true|false]) (--invulnerable-ticks [ticks]) (--arrow-shield [true|false]) Sets wither modifiers
/npc wolf (-s(itting) a(ngry) t(amed) i(nterested)) --collar [hex rgb color|name] --variant [variant] Sets wolf modifiers
/trait [trait1] [trait2] ... [traitN] - A list of Traits to apply Adds the trait type to the NPC. NPCs can have multiple traits. Example: /trait sentinel

Denizen-added commands

The following /npc commands are added by Denizen (as copied from /npc help). Denizen can be downloaded from here.

Denizen /NPC Commands
Command Arguments Description
/npc mirrorskin None Makes the NPC mirror the skin of the player looking at it.
/npc mirrorname None Makes the NPC mirror the name of the player looking at it.
/npc mirrorequip None Makes the NPC mirror the equipment of the player looking at it.
/npc stand None Makes the NPC stand.
/npc pushable -t (-r) (--delay #) Makes an NPC pushable.
/npc constant --set/remove name --value constant value Views/adds/removes NPC string constants.
/npc assignment --set assignment_name (-r) Controls the assignment for an NPC.
/npc trigger [trigger name] [(--cooldown [seconds])/(--radius [radius])/(-t)] Controls the various triggers for an NPC.
/npc nickname [--set nickname] Gives the NPC a nickname, used with a Denizen-compatible Speech Engine.
/npc sit (--location x,y,z,world) (--anchor anchor_name) (-c) Makes the NPC sit.
/npc sleep (--location x,y,z,world) (--anchor anchor_name) Makes the NPC sleep.
/npc sneak None Makes the NPC crouch.
/npc wakeup None Makes the NPC wake up.
/npc fish (--location x,y,z,world) (--anchor anchor_name) (-c) Makes the NPC fish, casting at the given location.
/npc stopfishing None Makes the NPC stop fishing.
/npc invisible None Turns the NPC invisible.
/npc health --set # (-r) Sets the max health for an NPC.

Waypoint commands

Permissions are of the format "citizens.waypoints.xx", like "citizens.waypoints.disableteleport" for the "disableteleport" command.

Waypoint Commands
Command Arguments Description
/waypoints add [x] [y] [z] (world) (--index idx) Adds a waypoint at a point
/waypoints disableteleport disableteleport Disables teleportation when stuck
/waypoints hpa hpa None
/waypoints provider [provider name] Sets the current waypoint provider
/waypoints remove (x y z world) (--index idx) Adds a waypoint at a point

Template commands

Template Commands
Command Arguments Permission Description
/template apply (template namespace:)[template name] citizens.templates.apply Applies a template to the selected NPC
/template generate (template namespace:)[name] citizens.templates.generate Generate a template from the selected NPC
/template list list citizens.templates.list Lists available templates

See Also

Text Syntax