
From Citizens Wiki

< 1.x
Revision as of 15:27, 1 September 2011 by APunch (talk | contribs)

This page only describes nodes in the core plugin. For per-type node descriptions, see the type's corresponding page. citizens.yml and mobs.yml will generate automatically when you first install Citizens. If a file is missing a setting, it will automatically generate.


    #number of blocks a player needs to be near an NPC in order for the NPC to look at the player
    look: 5
    pathfinding: 16.0
    #items used to select an NPC with, '*' means all, ''DO NOT remove single quotes''
    select-items: '*'
    #items used to make an NPC talk, leave a trailing comma
    talk-items: 340,
        #whether to save settings/properties often
        save-often: true
        use-task: true
        #delay between each save-task save
        delay: 72000
        #maximum amount of ticks an NPC can remain stationary while pathing
        max-stationary: -1
        #maximum amount of ticks an NPC can path for
        max-pathing: -1
        #amount of ticks to pause an NPC if right-clicked while pathing
        right-click-pause: 70
    #if you have NPC types on your server, more settings will generate here
        #price for creating a basic NPC (with /npc create)
            creation: 100
    #whether or not to use an economy plugin, if false, above economy settings are ignored
    use-economy: true
        #default setting for whether an NPC looks at a player when close
        enable-following: true
        #default setting for whether an NPC talks when a player is close
        talk-when-close: false
    #whether to select and execute an NPC type's right-click option at the same time (i.e. select and teleport at the same time)
    quick-select: false
    #whether to print debug messages to the console
    debug-mode: false
        #whether to use an NPC's nameplate color as their color in chat
        use-npc-colours: true
        #the color to use as an NPC's chat color if ''use-npc-colours'' is false
        npc-colour: f
    #whether to notify those with the 'citizens.admin.notifyupdates' of any Citizens update
    notify-updates: true
        #whether to convert slashes to spaces in NPC names
        slashes-to-spaces: true
        #message that is sent when an NPC is selected
        selection-message: <g>You selected <y><npc><g> (ID <y><npcid><g>).
        #default text of an NPC, leave a trailing semi-colon
        default-text: Hello.;How are you today?;Having a nice day?;Good weather today.;Stop hitting me!;I'm bored.;
        #message that is sent when an NPC is created
        creation-message: <g>The NPC <y><npc><g> was born!
        #message format used for when an NPC speaks
        format: '[%name%]: '


Default File

        #whether to spawn evil NPCs
        spawn: false
        #maximum amount of evil NPCs that can spawn
        max: 2
        #perfect chance of an evil NPC spawning
        chance: 100
        #item to tame an evil NPC with
        tame-item: 354
        #list of items that an evil NPC may drop when killed, leave a trailing comma
        drops: 260,357,2256,
        #message to send when a player fails at taming an evil NPC, leave a trailing semi-colon
        failed-tame-messages: Ha! You can't tame me!;Nice try, <name>!;Muahahaha, I am evil!;
        #list of names that an evil NPC can spawn with, leave a trailing comma
        names: Evil_aPunch,Evil_fullwall,Evil_Notch,Herobrine,
        #percent chance of taming an evil NPC
        tame-chance: 5
        #delay between each creature NPC random spawn
        delay: 200