
From Citizens Wiki

< 1.x
Revision as of 04:12, 24 September 2011 by APunch (talk | contribs) (Commands)

Traders allow trading of items for virtual currency. The trader can both buy and sell items to the player, and uses an intuitive interface to facilitate this. Warning: may be exploitable under lag until bukkit creates inventory events.


[] - Mandatory
() - Optional

Command - command's syntax
Args Description - description of the command's arguments
Require Selected - whether the command requires an NPC to be selected
Require Ownership - whether the commands requires you to be the owner of the NPC
Permission - command's permission node
Description - short description of the command

Command Args Description Require Selected Require Ownership Permission Description
/trader help None false false citizens.trader.use.help View the help page for traders
/trader money (give/take) (amount) give/take - whether to give or take money from a trader
amount - amount to give or take
true true citizens.citizens.trader.modify.money to modify; citizens.trader.use.showmoney to view the current balance Control a trader's balance
/trader list [buy/sell] buy/sell - whether to display the buy or sell list true false citizens.trader.use.list View a trader's buying/selling list
/trader unlimited None true true citizens.trader.modify.unlimited Toggle a trader as having an unlimited stock
/trader buy/sell [item] [price] item - item to add to the list
price - price of the item being added
true true citizens.trader.modify.stock Change the stock of a trader
sell] buy/sell - whether to clear the buy or sell list true true citizens.trader.modify.clearstock Clear the stock of a trader


Why does my trader let players dupe items?
This is due to lag and is a bug with Citizens/Bukkit. Citizens requires inventory events (that's programmer-speak), which Bukkit is not close to implementing.

Why won't you add Spout support so traders aren't buggy?
Spout is a great API for client-side additions to Bukkit. However, we are not interested in supporting it server-side. We don't want people to feel forced to download Spout if they want to use trader NPCs.