Denizen/0.7/Start-up kit
The start-up contains everything you need to get going with Denizen quickly. Inside the zip file you will find a folder called 'Denizen'. Extract this folder to your /plugins/ directory. Make sure you have the latest Denizen jar installed, then start your server or call
/denizen reload
The kit contains:
- A pre-configured config.yml
- A pre-configured assignments.yml for 2 NPCs (Steve and Jill)
- A file with 2 Interact Scripts (Steve Scripts.yml)
- A file with 2 Activity Scripts (Activity Scripts.yml)
How to use
The kit defines assignments for 2 NPCs. One named 'Steve' and one named 'Jill'. To make an NPC use the /npc create command.
/npc create Steve --trait denizen
Steve is now ready to go. Likewise to make Jill:
/npc create Jill --trait denizen
The assignments are done by Name so these Denizens are now fully functional. To test, call /denizen info. You should see the assigned scripts and activities as defined in the assignments.yml.
To begin learning, open the scripts or assignments file in a good text editor like notepad++ see YAML The files are commented to help you get started.