
From Citizens Wiki

Revision as of 18:07, 28 September 2012 by Aufdemrand (talk | contribs) (NPC Commands)

Read below for detailed command documentation. For more info on per-type commands and permissions, see its corresponding page.

[] - Mandatory
() - Optional

Command - command's syntax
Args Description - description of the command's arguments
Require Selected - whether the command requires an NPC to be selected
Require Ownership - whether the commands requires you to be the owner of the NPC
Require Mob Types - whether the command requires an NPC to be a certain mob type(s)
Permission - command's permission node
Description - short description of the command

Admin Commands

Commands used for administration of Citizens.

Admin Commands
Command Permission Description
/citizens citizens.admin Show basic plugin information
/citizens reload citizens.admin Reload Citizens
/citizens save citizens.admin Save NPCs and configuration

Help Commands

Commands used in-game to show the help screen.

Help Commands
Command Args Description Permission Description
/citizens help (Page) - Page number to display Show Citizens help menu
/npc help (Page) - Page number to display Show NPC help menu
/trait help (Page) - Page number to display Show trait help menu

NPC Commands

General commands used for all NPCs.

NOTE: '/npc trait' has been replaced, there is a new set of commands for adding, removing and copying traits.

/trait {traitname] is now used to add traits and characters.

More docs coming soon.

NPC Commands
Command Args Description Require Selected Require Ownership Require Mob Types Permission Description
/npc None Yes Yes No None Show basic NPC information
/npc age baby|integer|-l] - Adult sets as adult, baby as baby, age integer specifies an exact age, -l toggles whether the age is locked Yes Yes Yes - COW, SHEEP, CHICKEN, PIG, VILLAGER, OCELOT, WOLF citizens.npc.age Modify a NPC's age
/npc controllable None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.controllable Toggles the NPC's controllable status. Controllable NPCs can be right clicked to be mounted and controlled with WASD.
/npc copy (--name NewName) Yes Yes No citizens.npc.copy Create a new NPC from the currently selected NPC, copying all traits.
/npc create [NPC Name] - Name to give NPC
(--type [type]) - Mob type to use
--trait [trait1] [trait2] ... - A list of traits to apply to the NPC
Yes Yes No citizens.npc.create Create a new NPC.

Example : /npc create Jimbo Stevenson --type PIG

/npc despawn None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.despawn Despawn a NPC
/npc equip None Yes Yes Yes - PLAYER, PIG, SHEEP, ENDERMAN citizens.npc.edit.equip Toggle equipment editor. see Equipment Editor
/npc list (-a) - List all NPCs
(--owner (owner)) - Owner
(--type (type)) - Mob type
(--char (character)) - Character
No No No citizens.npc.list List NPCs that match at least one of the given conditions
/npc lookclose None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.lookclose Toggle a NPC's look-close state
/npc moveto --x [x] --y [y] --z [z] --world [world] Yes Yes No citizens.npc.moveto The NPC's current location is taken as the base location. Value arguments are used to modify this base.
/npc owner (name) - Name of the new owner, set as "server" if you want Citizens Admins (players with "citizens.admin" permission) to be owner Yes Yes No citizens.npc.owner Sets the owner of a NPC
/npc path None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.edit.path Toggle path editor. Left click to add a waypoint, right click to remove, mousewheel or number keys to select individual waypoints.
/npc pose --load [name]|--remove [name) Yes Yes Yes - PLAYER citizens.pose Changes/Stores NPC's head position based on the Player's current position.
/npc power None Yes Yes Yes - CREEPER citizens.npc.power Toggle whether a creeper NPC is powered
/npc profession BLACKSMITH, LIBRARIAN, BUTCHER, FARMER, or PRIEST Yes Yes Yes - VILLAGER citizens.npc.profession Change a villager-type NPC's profession.
/npc remove (all) - Will remove all NPCs Yes (Not if "all" is used) Yes No citizens.npc.remove(.all) Remove a NPC
/npc rename [name] - New name for the NPC Yes Yes No citizens.npc.rename Rename a NPC
/npc select [id] - ID of the NPC to select No Yes No Selects a NPC with the given ID
/npc spawn [id] - ID of the NPC you want to spawn Yes Yes No citizens.npc.spawn Spawn a existing NPC
/npc text None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.edit.text Toggle text editor. Note that players need the permission to hear NPCs!
/npc tphere None Yes Yes No citizens.npc.tphere Teleport a NPC to your location
/npc tp None Yes Yes No Teleport to a NPC
/trait [trait1] [trait2] ... [traitN - A list of Traits to apply Yes Yes No citizens.npc.trait.* or citizens.npc.trait.<trait-name> for per-trait permissions Adds the trait type to the NPC. NPCs can have multiple traits.

Example: /npc trait sentry

See Also

Text Syntax