Denizen API Command Template
package net.aufdemrand.denizen.commands.core;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.bookmarks.BookmarkHelper.BookmarkType;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.commands.AbstractCommand;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.ScriptEntry;
import net.citizensnpcs.command.exception.CommandException;
* Your command!
* This class is a template for a Command in Denizen.
* @author You!
public class SampleCommand extends AbstractCommand {
* Arguments: [] - Required, () - Optional
* [TYPICAL] argument with a description if necessary.
* (ARGUMENTS) should be clear and concise.
* Modifiers:
* (MODIFIER:VALUE) These are typically advanced usage arguments.
* (DURATION:#) They should always be optional. Use standard modifiers
* already established if at all possible.
* Example Usage:
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // This should be removed in your code.
// This is the method that is called when your command is ready to be executed.
public boolean execute(ScriptEntry theEntry) throws CommandException {
/* Initialize variables */
// Typically initialized as null and filled as needed. Remember: theEntry
// contains some information passed through the execution process.
Boolean requiredVariable = null;
Location sampleBookmark = null;
/* Match arguments to expected variables */
if (theEntry.arguments() != null) {
for (String thisArgument : theEntry.arguments()) {
// Do this routine for each argument supplied.
if (plugin.debugMode) plugin.getLogger().info("Processing command " + theEntry.getCommand() + " argument: " + thisArgument);
// Includes are some typical arguments. Modify/add code to handle your command needs.
// If argument is a number.
if (thisArgument.matches("((-|\\+)?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)?)+")) {
// If argument is a valid bookmark, set location.
else if (plugin.bookmarks.exists(theEntry.getDenizen(), thisArgument)) {
if (plugin.debugMode) plugin.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "...matched bookmark '" + thisArgument + "'.");
sampleBookmark = plugin.bookmarks.get(theEntry.getDenizen(), thisArgument, BookmarkType.LOCATION);
} else if (thisArgument.split(":").length == 2) {
if (plugin.bookmarks.exists(thisArgument.split(":")[0], thisArgument.split(":")[1]))
if (plugin.debugMode) plugin.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "...matched bookmark '" + thisArgument.split(":")[0] + "'.");
sampleBookmark = plugin.bookmarks.get(thisArgument.split(":")[0], thisArgument.split(":")[1], BookmarkType.LOCATION);
// If argument is a modifier.
else if (thisArgument.toUpperCase().contains("MODIFIER:")) {
if (plugin.debugMode) plugin.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "...matched modifier '" + thisArgument.split(":")[0].toUpperCase() + "'.");
// Insert code here.
// If can't match to anything...
// This isn't always possible, depending on the arguments your command uses, but nice if you can.
else {
if (plugin.debugMode) plugin.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "...unable to match argument!");
/* Execute the command, if all required variables are filled. */
if (requiredVariable != null) {
// Execution process.
// Do whatever you want the command to do, here.
/* Command has sucessfully finished */
return true;
// else...
/* Error processing */
// Processing has gotten to here, there's probably not been enough arguments.
// Let's alert the console.
if (plugin.debugMode) if (theEntry.arguments() == null)
throw new CommandException("...not enough arguments! Usage: SAMPLECOMMAND [TYPICAL] (ARGUMENTS)");
return false;
// You can include more methods in this class if necessary. Or not. :)