
From Citizens Wiki

< 1.x

Revision as of 05:28, 17 September 2011 by APunch (talk | contribs)

Traders allow trading of items for virtual currency. The trader can both buy and sell items to the player, and uses an intuitive interface to facilitate this. Warning: may be exploitable under lag until bukkit creates inventory events.



Why does my trader let players dupe items?
This is due to lag and is a bug with Citizens/Bukkit. Citizens requires inventory events (that's programmer-speak), which Bukkit is not close to implementing.

Why won't you add Spout support so traders aren't buggy?
Spout is a great API for client-side additions to Bukkit. However, we are not interested in supporting it server-side. We don't want people to feel forced to download Spout if they want to use trader NPCs.