Citizens Wiki

From Citizens Wiki
Human NPCs for Bukkit.

Citizens is a Minecraft server plugin that utilizes the Bukkit API. It adds various Non-Player Character (NPC) functionalities, from basic NPCs that talk to lively, active Guards. Originally featuring only one type of NPC, Citizens now contains 7 toggleable types and 1 creature type. With the Citizens API, plugins developers can make their plugins compatible with NPCs. Server admins are even able to choose which types that they want on their server.

Current Version: 1.1.6 on bukkit-dev

Developers: fullwall and aPunch

API: on Citizens JavaDocs

Source: on Github

Latest build: on Citizens Jenkins

Support tickets: Issues on Github, but please see Troubleshooting first.

Donate: aPunch and fullwall

Quick Navigation:      Installing      Upgrading      Troubleshooting      Frequently Asked Questions      Commands and Permissions      Configuration      citizens.yml      mobs.yml     quests.yml      npc_profiles.yml      Characters

Latest News

  • Feb 13, 2012: 1.1.6 has been released. Several bugs fixed, new KillNPC quest objective added.
  • Jan 30, 2012: Our Jenkins site is currently not uploading the most recent builds. You must use our BukkitDev page to get the 1.1.5 download.
  • Jan 30, 2012: 1.1.5 has been released for use with the new RB 1.1 R3.

Setting up Citizens

See Installing.

Creating your first NPC

It is important to read the Commands and Permissions page for an in-depth look at all of the commands you can use to customize your NPCs. For now, here is a basic guide on how to setup an NPC.

Type /npc create [name]. Replace [name] with the name of your NPC. Optionally, you can add text to your NPC. To do this, simply add words after the name of the NPC. Example:

/npc create Notch I like cookies!

That's it! Of course there are various other things that you can do with basic NPCs as outlined in Basic NPCs


Having a basic NPC is cool, but you may want to make it another type. To change an NPC's type, use the command /toggle [type]. Replace [type] with the NPC type that you want to toggle your NPC to become. It is imperative that you have the NPC type's .jar file in your plugins/Citizens/types directory. If not, you won't be able to toggle an NPC to become that type.

/toggle healer

Formerly called NPC Types. Here and further known as just Characters, as they will be called in Citizens 2.

Toggleable Types (These types can be toggled):


Mob Types (These types can automatically spawn):

Evil NPCs.


See Frequently Asked Questions.

Tips and tricks

See Message Formatting.


Citizens would not be where it is today without the contributions of these people:

fullwall - original programmer
aPunch - programmer
Paul_T - server host
You, for trying out and using Citizens!

Also, a special thanks to all of those in IRC who have tested and to all of those who have donated! We would be nowhere without you!