1.x/List of Initial node types

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Initial node

The initials node is used in Quests.yml to perform actions when the quest starts.

Initials are laid out much like rewards. Here's an example:

        type: item     # Gives an item when conditions are met.
        id: 268        # wooden_sword
        amount: 1   
        take: false    # Optional. By default, take: is false.

You may have multiple initials.

Initial Types


Command node (command:) - executes a command. Specified by the command: node. Use <player> as a variable that will be replaced with the name of the player. Use <world> as a variable that will be replaced with the name of the world the player is currently in. Use server: true to execute the command from the console.

    type: command
    command: give <player> 1 100
    server: true


NPC node (npc:) - grants an npc to a player. Uses a name: node to specify the name of the npc, and a comma-separated list of toggles in the types: node (eg. trader,quester,guard). Will create an NPC owned by the player who started the quest, with a generated UID.

    type: npc
    npcid: 1   # optional - gives the ownership of npc specified by this id to the player
    name: 'Bill'
    types: 'guard,trader,quester'
        x: 10
        y: 10
        z: -50
        world: 'world'


Rank node (rank) - grants a group ('rank') to a player. Specified by the rank: node.

    type: rank
    rank: 'admin'


Permission node (permission) - grants a permission to a player. Specified by the permission: node.

    type: permission
    permission: 'quests.admin'


Item node (item) - gives an item to a player. Loaded from the item: nodes.

    type: item
        id: 10
        amount: 50
        data: 0


Health node (health) - gives health to a player. Loaded from the amount: node.

    type: health
    amount: 10


Money node (money) - gives money to a player. Loaded from the money: node.

    type: money
    money: 100


Teleport node (teleport) - teleports a player to a location. Loaded from the location: node.

    type: teleport
        x: 10
        y: 50
        z: -10
        world: 'rivers'