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Citizens configuration is handled in the file /plugins/Citizens/config.yml. See below for detailed information on each setting. For more information on text nodes such as <npc>, see the Text Syntax page.

Default Configuration

# Citizens Configuration
      bystandersheartargetedchat: true
      maxnumberoftargetstoshow: 2
      multipletargetsformat: <target>|, <target>| & <target>| & others
      range: 5
      notargets: '[<npc>]: <text>'
      withtargettobystanders: '[<npc>] -> [<target>]: <text>'
      totarget: '[<npc>] -> You: <text>'
      withtargetstobystanders: '[<npc>] -> [<targets>]: <text>'
    lookclose: # NPCs turning heads towards players settings
      enabled: false # whether look close is enabled by default
      range: 5 # the look close range
      range: 25.0 # the maximum pathfinding range to search through before giving up
    randomtalker: true # whether the NPC will randomly select a text item instead of sequentially
    realisticlooking: false # whether the NPC will ensure potential players to look at / talk to aren't obscured by walls
    stationaryticks: -1 # how long the NPC will be stationary while pathfinding before giving up
      enabled: false # default talk close
      range: 5 # range before NPC talks
      '0': Hi, I'm <npc>! # default text
    defaultlimit: 10 # the default per-player NPC limit
    maxpermissionchecks: 100 # the maximum number of per-player NPCs a player can have
    maxspeed: 100 # the maximum speed an NPC can have
    alwayskeeploaded: false # whether to always keep chunks loaded with NPCs in them or unload them when there are no other players inside the chunk
    quickselect: false # no message will be sent
    item: '280' # the selector item: default is stick
    message: <b>You selected <a><npc><b>! # the message sent on select
    removefromlist: true # setting this to false will enable human NPCs to be recognised by mobs; it will also make them just like a normal player, which means other plugins will recognise them as well. This can be enabled per-NPC using /npc playerlist
  serverownership: false # whether the server owns NPCs by default
    maxtalkcooldown: 1 # the maximum cooldown before the NPC will talk close in seconds : the cooldown is chosen at random between the min/max
    mintalkcooldown: 1 # the minimum cooldown before the NPC will talk close in seconds
    talkitem: '340' # the items that will cause the NPC to talk to you on right click : default is book
    usenewfinder: false # EXPERIMENTAL: enable non-Minecraft pathfinder
  checkminecraftversion: true # set this to false to disable minecraft compatibility checks. Should not normally be used.
    delay: 72000 # the delay in ticks before everything gets serialised to disk
  file: saves.yml # the storage file
  type: yaml # the type: can be NBT, YAML.
  debugmode: false # enable debug output
    messagehighlight: <e> # set the default highlight colour: usually yellow.
    message: <a> # set the default message colour: usually green.
    locale: '' # set the locale explicitly if needed: eg. en_US is US English, de_DE is the generic German locale
    cost: 100.0 # the cost of an NPC. NOTE: requires Vault
  folder: plugins # subplugins like Denizen etc can be placed into Citizens/<subplugins folder> for organisational purposes.
