Denizen/0.7/Example Scripts/Beginner Scripts

From Citizens Wiki

Sometimes the best way to learn is by looking at some examples. The following beginner scripts use basic denizen commands and requirements to provide some nice basic functionality for your Denizens.

Example scripts are provided with both the assignments and the scripts in the same box. Be sure and put the text in the correct file in your plugins folder.
  • Assignments should always be appended to plugins\Denizen\assignments.yml
  • Scripts can be placed in any .yml file in the plugins\Denizen\scripts\ directory. Remember: You can have multiple scripts per file!

and now... the scripts!

Simple, random conversations

A great way to provide some nice immersion into your world is as simple as a basic interaction with a Denizen NPC outputting a random response. There are a couple different ways this can be done, as provided in the examples below. Since this concept is simple, it can be done with a Quick Script as well as an Interact Script.

A conversation with RANDOM

Code: Quick Script conversation with the RANDOM command.

A conversation with ZAP RANDOM

Code: Interact Script conversation with the ZAP command.

Notch's Cookies

Code: Notch loves cookies, and RANDOM chat.

Multiple Scripts & Requirements

One of the best features of Denizen's Interact Scripts is the requirements system, which can be used to control multiple scripts. Imagine NPCs greeting players based on weather, or having conversations only when on a quest. For further understanding, you should check out [Denizen/Script Assignments#Multiple Scripts], but take these examples below to get a basic understanding.

A Simple Multiple Requirement Script

Code: Two scripts are better than one.

Script sequencing with the SCRIPT requirement

Code: You must do them in order!

Script sequencing with FLAGS

This script is more of an intermediate script, but shows how flags can completely change how you use Denizen. In this example, multiple NPCs are part of this karma example. Note: Scottie's Script/Jason's Script/etc. are not shown, and aren't necessarily important to this example, but it is assumed that the player collects karma from these characters, somehow, one at a time.

Code: A sample 'Karma' reward system.

Basic Repeatable Fetch Quest

Here is the fastest way to do a repeatable 'fetch' quest. Useful for custom crafting-type NPCs. Once the player agrees to help, he can turn in the items as often as he wants to receive the reward.

Basic Unrepeatable Fetch Quest

By adding 3 lines to the script above, it becomes un-repeatable.

The Race

Coach wants you to RUN, BOY! This script uses a TASK script and a Location trigger to make a timed race for the player. Good example of ZAP and RUNTASK/CANCELTASK command usage. Be sure and define a Location Bookmark called 'theTree' using the /denizen bookmark location command.