
From Citizens Wiki
External Character Type!
This page is about a type of NPC that is not developed supported by the Citizens development team. Don't ask for support from them, or on the forums/IRC, as we won't be able to help you. Instead, look at the BukkitDev link of the InfoBox to the right for information on how to get support for this character type.

Author aufdemrand
Version 0.3
Citizens build 2.0
Development status InDev
Download Link
BukkitDev Link
Source Link
Issues Link
Description: A parrot (chicken) NPC that can be used for fun or for clues.

Parrots can be just for fun, or be used with questing to hold clues, and are meant to be used on Chicken NPCs, though could technically be any kind. Enderdragon parrots, anybody? (Joking! Probably not a good idea!)

Parrots randomly store messages said in the local area and repeat them back. Parrots can also be fed a clue, information that it keeps and blurts out with the normal chatter it has heard.

Creating a Parrot

Parrots work best with chickens.

 /npc create parrotname --type chicken --char parrot 


Parrots hold 5 messages automatically by listening to surrounding chatter. Parrots hold 1 message fed by the parrot owner.

Settings (and defaults)

# Mimic Configuration

cooldown-in-seconds: 45       # Time between each message/etc update timer. 
                              #   (Recommended 30-90)
click-cooldown-in-seconds: 5
chatter-range: 25             # Distance from Mimic needed to be to hear it.
                              #   (Recommended 10-30)
text-style: Normal            # Available: Sentence Case, Lower Case, Upper Case, Normal
use-smart-wrap: True          # Wraps text spanning multiple lines smartly.

# You can add as many items to the list as you'd like.
# You can use <text> to use the mimic's stored messages.
# Note: <text> also randomly shows the mimic's clue.

  list:               # List each mimic type.
    - parrot
    - village idiot
    - slime mimic

  NPC defaults:       # You can specify mimic type defaults for each npc type
    Slime: slime mimic
    Chicken: parrot
    Villager: village idiot

                      # And now in detail...
    on click:         # Texts on click
      - "It's a parrot."
      - "You pet the parrot. *BAAAWK!*"
    texts:            # Texts that trigger randomly.
      - "A parrot squacks, '<text>'"
      - "'<text>' that a parrot?"
      - "You hear a parrot nearby, '*SQUAK*!'"
      - "You hear a parrot nearby, '<text>'"
      - "*BRR BRR BRR* that a parrot?"
      - "*BAAAWK* *BAAAWK*"   

  village idiot:
    on click:
      - "Oh, it's just the Village Idiot... he's an idiot."
      - "You slug the Village idiot in the arm. *OUCH!*"
      - "The Village Idiot says to you, 'text'"
      - "'Yarharrrharr!' ...what the heck was that?"
      - "The village idiot says, '<text>' ...does that even make sense?"
      - "'<text>' says the Village Idiot, in a drunken slur."

  slime mimic:
      - "It's a jelly-like block of slime. Yuck!"
      - "The slime is filled with all kinds of stuff. Who knows where its been?"
      - "'<text>' ...was that a slime mimic?"
      - "You hear a slime mimic nearby, '<text>'"
      - "*SQUISH* *SQUISH*"

# Individual Mimic Settings (No need to edit, this will populate by itself!)


/parrot clue [text]       # changes the clue