Denizen/0.7/Color Codes

From Citizens Wiki

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Denizen provides several different options to colorize text. The follow characters, combined with a color code will change the color or format of text

§# - the standard minecraft color marker.
\u00167# - an alternate way to make a §
%%# - A denizen replacement for §, more compatible with various text encoding schemes, and easier to type ;)
Note: If using SpoutPlugin/Spoutcraft, you can also use &#

The format codes available are

0 	Black
1 	Dark Blue
2 	Dark Green
3 	Dark Aqua
4 	Dark Red
5 	Dark Purple
6 	Gold
7 	Gray
8 	Dark Gray
9 	Blue
A 	Green
B 	Aqua
C 	Red
D 	Light Purple
E 	Yellow
F 	White
K 	Magic
L 	Bold
M 	Strike through
N 	Underline
O 	Italic
R 	Reset 


- CHAT "§aThis text is red."
- CHAT "%%aThis text is green."
- NARRATE "%%nThis is underlined but %%rThis is not."