
From Citizens Wiki

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This wiki is outdated, please view the tutorial videos/guide, meta documentation, or Discord group (all linked above) for up-to-date information!

Replaceable data tags can be used to dynamically put flags and values inside texts and commands.

Flag Replaceables

<FLAG.PLAYER:Name:fallback> or <FLAG.P:Name:fallback>

The value of a FLAG set on the Player, with the optional 'fallback' being the value used if the FLAG isn't found.

<FLAG.DENIZEN:Name:fallback> or <FLAG.D:Name:fallback>

The value of a FLAG set on the Denizen, with the optional 'fallback' being the value used if the FLAG isn't found.

<FLAG.GLOBAL:Name:fallback> or <FLAG.G:Name:fallback>

The value of a FLAG set globally, with the optional 'fallback' being the value used if the FLAG isn't found.

Chat Input Replaceable


Contains the value of the Chat Trigger used by the Player in the Current Step. Unlike other replaceables, it can currently only be used in Speech commands and the FLAG command.

Player Replaceables


The display name of the Player interacting with the Denizen, i.e. the name including colors.


The Player's health, from 0 to 20.


The name of the Player.


The MATERIAL of the boots that the Player is wearing. Is 'FALSE' if the Player is not wearing any.


The MATERIAL of the chestplate that the Player is wearing. Is 'FALSE' if the Player is not wearing any.


The Player's total experience.


The experience the Player must gain to reach the next level.


The Player's food level, from 0 to 20.


The MATERIAL of the helm that the Player is wearing. Is 'FALSE' if the Player is not wearing any.


The ID of the item in the Player's hand. Is '0' if the Player's hand is empty.


The MATERIAL of the item in the Player's hand. Is 'AIR' if the Player's hand is empty.


The name of the item in the Player's hand. Doesn't work at the moment.


The quantity of the item in the Player's hand.


The name of the last killer of this Player. Doesn't work at the moment.


The MATERIAL of the leggings that the Player is wearing. Is 'FALSE' if the Player is not wearing any.


The amount of money that the Player has. This replaceable will only work if you have Vault installed and a compatible permissions/economy plugin.


The name of the world the Player is in.

Denizen Replaceables


The name of the Denizen.


The ID of the Denizen.


The name of the world the Denizen is in.