
From Citizens Wiki

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If you want a full tutorial to help get you set up, check out the Beginner's Guide text website.

If you need quick help, visit our Discord group.

This wiki is outdated, please view the tutorial videos/guide, meta documentation, or Discord group (all linked above) for up-to-date information!


	<>						-> Name of player's chosen battle class
	<>					-> True/false is player in a battle?

	<battle.arena>							-> Name of arena current battle is taking place in
	<battle.inprogress>						-> True/false is a battle taking place?
	<battle.timeremaining>					-> Time remaining for current battle to end


	<player.faction> 						-> The player's faction, as a dFaction

    // Note the 's' in 'factions' for these tags!
	<player.factions.role> 		            -> Role of player within their faction
	<player.factions.title> 			    -> Title of player within their faction
	<player.factions.power> 				-> Player's power

	<[email protected]> 			    -> Balance of specified faction
	<[email protected]> 				    -> Location of specified factions's spawn point
	<[email protected]> 			    -> True/false is specified faction open?
	<[email protected]> 		    -> True/false is specified faction peaceful?
	<[email protected]>           -> True/false is specified faction permanent?
	<[email protected]> 		    	-> Name of specified faction's leader
	<[email protected]> 	        -> Amount of players within specified faction
	<[email protected]> 			    -> Amount of specified faction's power
	<[email protected][<faction>]>	-> Evaluates to enemies, allies, or neutral with another faction
	<[email protected]> 			        -> Amount of land specified faction has claimed


	<player.mcmmo.level>					-> Overall skill level of player
	<player.mcmmo.level[<skill>]>			-> Skill level of a specific skill
	<>					-> Name of player's party
	<player.mcmmo.rank>						-> Overall mctop player ranking
	<player.mcmmo.rank[<skill>]>			-> Rank of player in a specific skill
	<player.mcmmo.xp[<skill>]>				-> Amount of player's xp for a skill
	<player.mcmmo.xp[<skill>].tonextlevel>	-> XP required for player to advance to skill's next level

	<party[party_name].leader>				-> Name of the specified party's leader
    <party[<party>].playercount>            -> The number of players in the specified party


	<> 							-> The player's town, as a dTown
    <player.nation> 						-> The player's nation, as a dNation

	<[email protected]> 				-> Balance of specified town
	<[email protected]> 				    -> Board message of specified town
	<[email protected]> 				    -> True/false is specified town open?
	<[email protected]> 				-> True/false is specified town public?
	<[email protected]>                   -> Name of specified town's mayor
	<[email protected]> 				    -> Nation specified town belongs to
	<[email protected]> 			-> Population size of specified town
	<[email protected]> 					-> Amount of land specified town has claimed
	<[email protected]> 			    	-> Location of specified town's spawn point
	<[email protected]> 					-> Tag of specified town
	<[email protected]> 			    	-> Tax amount of specified town

	<[email protected]> 				-> Balance of specified nation
	<[email protected]> 				-> Name of specified nation's capital town
	<[email protected]> 			    	-> Name of specified nation's king
	<[email protected]> 		    	-> True/false is nation neutral?
	<[email protected]> 			-> Amount of players within specified nation
	<[email protected][<nation>]>	    -> Evaluates to enemies, allies, or neutral with another nation
	<[email protected]> 					-> Tag of specified nation
	<[email protected]> 			    	-> Tax amount of specified nation
	<[email protected]> 		    	-> Amount of towns within specified nation

	<[email protected]>		                -> Town that has claimed specified location


    <[<jobName>]>                -> The dJob of that player's specified job
    <[<jobName>].xp>             -> Current XP of the player in a certain job
    <[<jobName>].xp.max>         -> The maximum XP the player can have in a certain job
    <[<jobName>].xp.level>       -> Current level for a certain job

    <[email protected]>               -> Job description
    <[email protected]>                      -> The name of a job
    <[email protected]>                -> The shortened name of a job
    <[email protected]>                     -> The name of the chat color of the job