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| '''()''' - Optional <br /><br /> | | '''()''' - Optional <br /><br /> |
| |
| '''Command''' - command's syntax <br /> | | '''Command''' - command name <br /> |
| '''Args Description''' - description of the command's arguments <br /> | | '''Args''' - arguments that must or may be parsed <br /> |
| '''Require Selected''' - whether the command requires an trader or banker to be selected <br />
| | '''Mode''' - whether the command requires to be in a certain mode <br /> |
| '''Require Ownership''' - whether the commands requires you to be the owner of the trader <br />
| |
| '''Required Mode''' - whether the command requires to be in a certain mode <br /> | |
| '''Permission''' - command's permission node <br />
| |
| '''Description''' - short description of the command <br /> | | '''Description''' - short description of the command <br /> |
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| == Trader v2.2.2 Commands == | | == Commands == |
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| <div style="display:table-cell;width:160px;border-right:solid 1px black"><p style="margin:0px;padding:2px 10px;"><b>Command</b></p> | | <div style="display:table-cell;width:160px;border-right:solid 1px black"><p style="margin:0px;padding:2px 10px;"><b>Command</b></p> |
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| <div style="border-top:solid 1px;width:100%"><!-- Cell -->
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| <p style="margin:0px"><code style="padding: 5px 10px;display:block">/trader </code></p>
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| </div> | | </div> |
| | | <div style="display:table-cell;width:210px;border-right:solid 1px"><p style="margin:0px;padding:2px 10px;"><b>Args</b></p> |
| <div style="border-top:dashed 1px red;width:100%"><!-- Cell --> | |
| <p style="margin:0px"><code style="padding: 5px 10px;display:block">/trader create</code></p> | |
| </div> | | </div> |
| | | <div style="display:table-cell;width:160px;border-right:solid 1px black"><p style="margin:0px;padding:2px 10px;"><b>Mode</b></p> |
| </div>
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| <div style="display:table-cell;width:310px;border-right:solid 1px black"><p style="margin:0px;padding:2px 10px;"><b>Args</b></p> | |
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| <div style="border-top:solid 1px;width:100%"><!-- Cell -->
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| <p style="margin:0px"><code style="padding: 5px 10px;display:block">/trader </code></p>
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| </div>
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| <div style="border-top:dashed 1px red;width:100%"><!-- Cell -->
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| <p style="margin:0px"><code style="padding: 5px 10px;display:block">/trader create</code></p>
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| </div> | | </div> |
| | | <div style="display:table-cell;width:380px;"><p style="margin:0px;padding:2px 10px;"><b>Description</b></p> |
| </div> | | </div> |
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| <div style="display:table-cell;width:160px;border-right:solid 1px black"><p style="margin:0px;padding:2px 10px;"><b>Mode</b></p>
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| <div style="border-top:solid 1px;width:100%"><!-- Cell -->
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| <p style="margin:0px"><code style="padding: 5px 10px;display:block">/trader </code></p>
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| </div> | | </div> |
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| <div style="border-top:dashed 1px red;width:100%"><!-- Cell --> | | <!-- /trader --> |
| <p style="margin:0px"><code style="padding: 5px 10px;display:block">/trader create</code></p> | | <div style="display:table;width:100%"> |
| | <div style="display:table-cell;width:160px;background-color: #F9F9F9;border-top:solid 1px"><!-- Cell --> |
| | <p style="margin:0px;padding:2px 10px"><code style="margin:0px;display:block">/trader </code></p> |
| </div> | | </div> |
| | | <div style="display:table-cell;width:210px;background-color: #F9F9F9;border-top:solid 1px"><!-- Cell --> |
| | <p style="margin:0px;padding:2px 10px"><code style="margin:0px;display:block">no arguments</code></p> |
| </div> | | </div> |
| | | <div style="display:table-cell;width:160px;background-color: #F9F9F9;border-top:solid 1px"><!-- Cell --> |
| <div style="display:table-cell;width:310px;"><p style="margin:0px;padding:2px 10px;"><b>Description</b></p> | | <p style="margin:0px;padding:2px 10px"><code style="margin:0px;display:block;color:green">no mode required</code></p> |
| | |
| <div style="border-top:solid 1px;width:100%"><!-- Cell -->
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| <p style="margin:0px"><code style="padding: 5px 10px;display:block">/trader </code></p> | |
| </div> | | </div> |
| | | <div style="display:table-cell;width:380px;background-color: #F9F9F9;border-top:solid 1px"><!-- Cell --> |
| <div style="border-top:dashed 1px red;width:100%"><!-- Cell --> | | <p style="margin:0px;padding:2px 10px"><code style="margin:0px;display:block">shows info about the current selected trader or just the plugin version</code></p> |
| <p style="margin:0px"><code style="padding: 5px 10px;display:block">/trader create</code></p> | |
| </div> | | </div> |
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| </div> | | </div> |
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| </div>
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| </div> | | </div> |
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| {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 100%"
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| ! style="width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6" colspan="7" | '''Trader commands'''
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| ! style="width: 200px;" | Command !! style="width: 400px;" | Args Description !! style="width: 50px;" | Require Selected !! style="width: 50px;" | Require Ownership !! style="width: 100px;" | Required mode !! style="width: 200px;" | Permission !! Description
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| | /trader<br/ /><b>Alias:</b> /dtrader || None || No || No || None || Updating || Shows up the current version and if a trader is selected the basic trader information
| |
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| | /trader create || (t:trader) - trader type<br />(w:wallet) - wallet<br />(o:owner) - owner<br />(e:entity) - entity<br />(town:town) - ''Towny'' town tag<br />(sc:clan) - ''Simple-Clans'' clan tag<br />(f:faction) - ''Factions'' faction tag || No || No || None || dtl.trader.commands || Creates a new "Trader" NPC with the given name, type, wallet, entity-type, owner and specific ''"faction"'' accounts. Default wallet and type depends on permissions a player got.
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| | /trader clear || (stock) - stock to clear || Yes || Yes || Manager || dtl.trader.commands.clear || Clears the selected traders ''sell'' and ''buy'' stock, until a specific stock is supplied.
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| | /trader help || None || Yes || Yes || Manager || dtl.trader.commands.help || Shows the available command list ''(the appearing list will be changed till 2.0)''
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| | /trader list || [stock] - the given stock to display (buy/sell) <br /> (page) - page number || Yes || Yes || Manager || dtl.trader.commands.list<br />dtl.trader.options.<stock> || Lists items the trader is selling ''(formating available in the locale file)''
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| | /trader type || (type) - trader type || Yes || Yes || Manager || dtl.trader.commands.type<br />dtl.trader.types.<type> ''(when changing)'' || Shows up the current trader type (only for player or server traders), or changes the type by the supplied argument
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| | /trader wallet || (wallet) - wallet type<br /> (account_name) - used with the ''bank'', ''towny'', ''simple-clans'' and ''Factions'' wallet, account or ''"faction"'' name (needs to be the owner of the bank account) || Yes || Yes || Manager || dtl.trader.commands.wallet<br />dtl.trader.wallets.<wallet> ''(when changing)'' || Shows up the current wallet the trader is using, or changes the type by the supplied argument
| |
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| | /trader owner || (owner) - player name || Yes || Yes || dtl.trader.commands.owner || dtl.trader.commands.owner || Shows up the current owner of the selected trader, or changes the owner by the supplied argument ''(only for player or server traders)''
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| | /trader pattern || (action) - '''set''' or '''remove''' the traders pattern<br />(pattern) - pattern name used with the '''set''' action<br />With no arguments it will show the current pattern || Yes || Yes || Manager || dtl.trader.commands.pattern (no pattern specific settings now) || Sets the pattern the trader will use
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| | /trader log || (trader name) - traders name ''(allows whitespace characters)'' || No || Yes || Manager || dtl.trader.commands.log || Shows all transactions the trader has performed. Shows the ''Buyer/Seller'', the ''item'' he has bought/sold and the ''amount'. When no trader is selected it lists all transactions of each trader owned, when supplying a name only this traders log will be showed.
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| | /trader clearlog || (trader name) - traders name ''(allows whitespace characters)'' || No || Yes || Manager || dtl.trader.commands.clearlog || Clears the selected traders log. If not traders is selected it clears all traders logs until you specify a name.
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| | /trader balance || None || Yes || Yes || Manager || dtl.trader.commands.balance || Shows up the balance of the selected trader. <br /><b>Requires npc-wallet to use</b>
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| | /trader deposit || [amount] - the amount we want to deposit || Yes || Yes || Manager || dtl.trader.commands.deposit || Deposit given amount of money to traders wallet<br /><b>Requires npc-wallet to use</b>
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| | /trader withdraw || [amount] - the amount we want to withdraw || Yes || Yes || Manager || dtl.trader.commands.withdraw || Withdraw given amount of money from traders wallet<br /><b>Requires npc-wallet to use</b>
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| == Banker Commands (planned) ==
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| Banker commands are not implemented at this time.
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| == Navigation ==
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| {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 500px"
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| ! style="width: 100%; background-color:#ADD8E6" colspan="2" | '''DtlTraders'''
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| | Usage || | [http://wiki.citizensnpcs.com/DtlTraders/managing Managing] | [http://wiki.citizensnpcs.com/DtlTraders/trading Trading] | [http://wiki.citizensnpcs.com/DtlTraders/banking Banking] <!-- | [http://wiki.citizensnpcs.com/DtlTraders/patterns Patterns] -->
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| | Configuration || | [http://wiki.citizensnpcs.com/DtlTraders/config Configuration] | [http://wiki.citizensnpcs.com/DtlTraders/Commands Commands] | [http://wiki.citizensnpcs.com/DtlTraders/permissions Permissions] | [http://wiki.citizensnpcs.com/DtlTraders/locale Locale]
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| | Types || | [http://wiki.citizensnpcs.com/DtlTraders/traders Traders] | [http://wiki.citizensnpcs.com/DtlTraders/bankers Bankers] <!--| [http://wiki.citizensnpcs.com/DtlTraders/auctionhouse Auction House] | [http://wiki.citizensnpcs.com/DtlTraders/wallets Wallets]-->
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DtlTraders strives to be as much user friendly as possible so there are only a few important commands to remember. Most tasks can be accomplished without their use.
[] - Mandatory
() - Optional
Command - command name
Args - arguments that must or may be parsed
Mode - whether the command requires to be in a certain mode
Description - short description of the command
shows info about the current selected trader or just the plugin version