Blacksmiths repair your tools and armor. Right-clicking a blacksmith will repair your item-in-hand if it is repairable. An item is "repairable" if it contains a durability (i.e. pickaxe, shears, armor, etc.).
See below for more information.
Configuration Nodes
These nodes can be found in citizens.yml.
Setting - path of the setting
Default Value - default value of the setting
Description - short description of the setting
Setting | Default Value | Description |
economy.prices.blacksmith.armorrepair.(material) | varies | Base values for armor material repair, used in equation to determine the cost of an armor repair |
economy.prices.blacksmith.toolrepair.(material) | varies | Base values for tool material repair, used in equation to determine the cost of a tool repair |
[] - Mandatory
() - Optional
Command - command's syntax
Require Selected - whether the command requires an NPC to be selected
Require Ownership - whether the commands requires you to be the owner of the NPC
Permission - command's permission node
Description - short description of the command
Command | Require Selected | Require Ownership | Permission | Description |
/blacksmith help | false | false | citizens.blacksmith.use.help | View the help page for blacksmiths |
/blacksmith status | true | true | citizens.blacksmith.use.status | View the cost and durability remaining of your item-in-hand |
Other Permissions
Permission - permission node
Description - description of permission node
Permission | Description |
citizens.blacksmith.use.repair | Ability to right-click a blacksmith to repair an items |
Calculating the Cost of an Item Repair
Blacksmiths charge for an item repair based on this equation:
(maxItemDurability - currentItemDurability) * basePrice
maxItemDurability: The maximum uses that an item has
currentItemDurability: An item's total uses
basePrice: price specified in citizens.yml