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Revision as of 03:58, 17 August 2011 by APunch (talk | contribs) (Wizard Modes)

Description here.

Configuration Nodes


Wizard Modes

  • Storm-toggler (/wizard mode weather)

Simply right-clicking a wizard with the interaction item will toggle a storm in your world. Cost: 5 mana

  • Teleporter (/wizard mode teleport)

You can control a wizard's locations using the /wizard addloc and /wizard removeloc commands. When you set your locations, you can left-click with the interaction item to cycle to the locations you want to teleport to. Once you get the location that you want to teleport to, right-click with the interaction item to teleport. Cost: 5 mana

  • Command-executor (/wizard mode command)

The command-executor mode executes commands when a wizard is right-clicked with the interaction item. To change the command to execute, type the command /wizard command [command] (arguments). The player right-clicking the wizard must have permission for the command to be executed. Cost: 5 mana

  • Time-changer (/wizard mode time)

There are 4 time settings that a wizard is capable of changing the time to: morning, day, afternoon, and night. To change the setting, left-click with the interaction item. Change the time by right-clicking with the interaction item. Cost: 5 mana

  • Mob-spawner (/wizard mode spawn)

All Minecraft mobs are supported. To cycle through mobs to spawn, left-click the wizard with the interaction item. To spawn the mob at your location, right-click with the interaction item. Cost: 5 mana


  • Ability to configure mana cost per mode
  • Cooldowns for all modes