
From Citizens Wiki

DtlTraders strives to be as much user friendly as possible so there are only a few important commands to remember. Most tasks can be accomplished without their use.

[] - Mandatory
() - Optional

Command - command's syntax
Args Description - description of the command's arguments
Require Selected - whether the command requires an trader or banker to be selected
Require Ownership - whether the commands requires you to be the owner of the trader
Required Mode - whether the command requires to be in a certain mode
Permission - command's permission node
Description - short description of the command

Trader Commands (1.9.4+)

Trader commands
Command Args Description Require Selected Require Ownership Required mode Permission Description
Alias: /dtrader
None No No None Updating Shows up the current version and if a trader is selected the basic trader information
/trader create (t:trader)
No No None dtl.trader.commands Creates a new "Trader" NPC with the given type, wallet, entity-type, name. Default wallet and type depends on permissions a player got.
/trader help None Yes Yes Manager dtl.trader.commands.help Shows the available command list (the appearing list will be changed till 2.0)
/trader list [stock] - the given stock to display (buy/sell)
(page) - page number
Yes Yes Manager dtl.trader.commands.list
Lists items the trader is selling (formating available in the locale file)
/trader type (type) - trader type Yes Yes Manager dtl.trader.commands.type
dtl.trader.types.<type> (when changing)
Shows up the current trader type (only for player or server traders), or changes the type by the supplied argument
/trader wallet (wallet) - wallet type
(account_name) - used with the bank, towny, simple-clans and Factions wallet, account or "faction" name (needs to be the owner of the bank account)
Yes Yes Manager dtl.trader.commands.wallet
dtl.trader.wallets.<wallet> (when changing)
Shows up the current wallet the trader is using, or changes the type by the supplied argument
/trader owner (owner) - player name Yes Yes dtl.trader.commands.owner dtl.trader.commands.owner Shows up the current owner of the selected trader, or changes the owner by the supplied argument (only for player or server traders)
/trader pattern (pattern) - pattern name Yes Yes Manager dtl.trader.commands.pattern (no pattern specific settings now) Sets the pattern the trader will use
/trader removepattern None Yes Yes Manager dtl.trader.commands.removepattern Removes any pattern currently assigned to the trader, all pattern items will disappear
/trader log (trader name) - traders name (allows whitespace characters) No Yes Manager dtl.trader.commands.log Shows all transactions the trader has performed. Shows the Buyer/Seller, the item he has bought/sold and the amount'. When no trader is selected it lists all transactions of each trader owned, when supplying a name only this traders log will be showed.
/trader clearlog (trader name) - traders name (allows whitespace characters) Yes Yes Manager dtl.trader.commands.clearlog Clears the selected traders log. If not traders is selected it clears all traders logs until you specify a name.
/trader balance None Yes Yes Manager dtl.trader.commands.balance Shows up the balance of the selected trader.
Requires npc-wallet to use
/trader deposit [amount] - the amount we want to deposit Yes Yes Manager dtl.trader.commands.deposit Deposit given amount of money to traders wallet
Requires npc-wallet to use
/trader withdraw [amount] - the amount we want to withdraw Yes Yes Manager dtl.trader.commands.withdraw Withdraw given amount of money from traders wallet
Requires npc-wallet to use

Banker Commands (planned)

Banker commands are not implemented at this time.


Usage Managing | Trading | Banking
Configuration Configuration | Commands | Permissions | Locale
Types Traders | Bankers