
From Citizens Wiki

< 1.x

Revision as of 10:18, 8 September 2011 by Fullwall (talk | contribs) (→‎Commands)

Description here.

Configuration Nodes

These nodes can be found in citizens.yml.

Setting - path of the setting
Default Value - default value of the setting
Description - short description of the setting

Setting Default Value Description
guards.default-bouncer-protection-radius 10 The default protection radius for guard bouncers (measured in blocks).
guards.respawn-delay 100 How many ticks after a guard's death before it should respawn.


[] - Mandatory
() - Optional

Command - command's syntax
Require Selected - whether the command requires an NPC to be selected
Require Ownership - whether the commands requires you to be the owner of the NPC
Permission - command's permission node
Description - short description of the command

Command Require Selected Require Ownership Permission Description
/guard help false false citizens.guard.use.help View the help page for guards
/guard [type] true true citizens.guard.modify.type Change the guard's behaviour - currently possible are 'bouncer' and 'bodyguard'.
/guard flags [-g,m,p] (page) true true citizens.guard.use.flags View currently set flags.
af (priority) [target] (-a,g,m,p) true true citizens.guard.modify.flags Add/modify flags.
/guard delflag [name] [-p,m,g] (-a) true true citizens.guard.modify.flags Delete a flag.
/guard radius [radius] true true citizens.guard.modify.radius Modifies a bouncer's protection radius.
/guard aggro true true citizens.guard.modify.aggro Toggles guard aggressiveness.