Denizen/Types of Scripts

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Revision as of 00:03, 7 August 2013 by Mcmonkey (talk | contribs)

In Denizen, there are multiple different types of scripts each made to fill a different purpose. When writing a script, you will need to use several of these, so they're important to know!

(Note: Page under construction! There's a lot more than just what's listed here!)

Assignment Script

    type: Assigment
        on assigment:
        - announce "<> has been assigned!"

The assignment script is the first script any NPC needs - it lists everything the NPC does!

One of the most important uses is the "on assignment:" action, which is run when the script is assigned to an NPC, in which you normally enable triggers, and run other important commands.

You can link interact scripts by adding:

    Interact Scripts:
    - 10 MyInteractScript
    - 20 MyOtherInteractScript

Interact Scripts

    type: Interact
        Mode: None
            Proximity trigger:
                    - CHAT "Hi there, <>!"

Interact scripts control what the NPC does when a player fires triggers such as proximity, click, chat, or damage.

Item scripts

Item scripts hold data on custom items.

World Scripts

World scripts run world events.

Task Scripts

Task scripts are run from within other scripts.